View Full Version : Would you go out in a work night?

09-09-13, 20:38
So there's the question, would you?

My friends want me to go out next Thursday night for a meal and a drink in London, I have to be up at 6.30 the next day for work.

What would you do? :( considering my insomnia I'm panicking.

09-09-13, 20:49
Doesn't it depend on what time you get home though?

09-09-13, 21:07
Well it would be round about home 12.30/1ish. Therefore in bed by 2ish.

NE21 worrier
09-09-13, 21:22

Personally, I think that's too tight a turnaround so I would politely decline. Surely if you're up for 6.30, good friends would understand.

My anxiety is always worse on lack of sleep, whether self-inflicted by staying up stupidly late or enforced by a horrible sleepless night...

Just my tuppence,

09-09-13, 22:08
Don't risk feeling like S**t for a night out. Just say you have work at 6:30. Your friends will understand. But ultimately it's all up to you.

Best of luck.

09-09-13, 22:50
Can you go for the meal then head home? If you have insomnia anyway, will it make much of a difference?

I wouldn't go if you won't get in until that late though. They will understand that you have to get up early, that's a perfectly reasonable reason not to go.

10-09-13, 00:28
Personally I would go, but that's because I'm a reckless hedonist who goes to bed far too late anyway regardless of work the next day. The sensible thing is to try and sleep, then again, the sensible thing might be to enjoy yourself out, thereby distracting your mind from the anxiety of work.

10-09-13, 06:56
I would probably give it a miss. It sounds like lots of fun but for me personally the lack of sleep would have an effect on me the next day & I would be useless. Not a problem when you can have a lie in but when you have a course..... I'd struggle! xx

10-09-13, 07:09
I guess the question to ask yourself is whether you can go out and still do your job as effectively the next day. I know I couldn't these days which is why I don't go out during the week. When I was younger, it wasn't a problem.

As has been suggested, you could go out for part of the night and go home in time to get a good night's sleep.


10-09-13, 13:58
I wouldn't stay out that late on a work night because it makes me feel awful the next day. I do go out on work nights, but make it home by 11pm so I can get my usual 8 hours of sleep. I'd say either leave early or give it a miss, don't do it if it will stress you out!

10-09-13, 14:00
I'd stay in, and I don't have insomnia! 4.5 hours isn't enough for anyone. So don't feel bad.

10-09-13, 15:41
I'd stay in, and I don't have insomnia! 4.5 hours isn't enough for anyone. So don't feel bad.

4 hours is what I normally get a night :(