View Full Version : Annoyed with myself

09-09-13, 10:28
:mad:! For the past 2 weeks I've let things slide. I've been lazy both at home & work, I've felt fed up, bored and I've been a bit reclusive. I haven't felt anxious or depressed but my get up and go has definitely got up and gone! The worst thing for me is that I've missed 2 weeks of gym sessions & zumba classes and to make matters worse I've been eating like a pig! I now feel fat, frumpy and very, very annoyed with myself. This isn't me :lac:! I don't know what's going on but I have no motivation either physically or mentally. Today it stops! I have my gym kit with me and I have booked an appointment with Matt (my instructor) at 5pm. I don't usually have personal sessions but I need him to push me to my limit and get me back to a routine. I'll do this for 3 days. I'm hoping this gives me the kick up the backside I need. Foodwise the diet started this morning.... although I would kill for a bacon sarnie right now :shrug:! I feel constantly hungry! Even now I'm sat here with a 'can't be bothered' attitude but I know I can't let it slide any further. I need my motivation back! xx

09-09-13, 10:40
Hey, me too! I walked 6 or 7 miles yesterday, slept really well and today I have already cleaned the bathroom and done some gardening. I'm rewarding myself with a comp break but then... let's report back tonight and see how we got on.

I want to have:
Cleared the landing and 'made a start' on my room.
Blitzed the kitchen and living room.

How about you?


09-09-13, 11:02
It's so annoying Speranza. I wanted to do so much yesterday but it was a half hearted attempt then I gave up and lounged on my sofa for the rest of the day! Thing is, I was bored doing that but couldn't motivate myself to get up and do something!

What do I want to achieve today? No - what AM I going to achieve today?

I am going to have a productive day at work without clock-watching every 2 minutes.
I am going to eat all the fruit I have with me.
I am going to go to the gym & enjoy it.
I am not going to eat any chocolate (tough one but it can be done)

No matter how simple or difficut the task, I really think I need a daily list like this! xx

09-09-13, 11:20
Yes it's a fine line though, no point beating yourself up!

I have noticed I spend more time psyching myself up to DO things than it takes to do them! So I am going to log off right now and get to it! :)

09-09-13, 11:40
Yeh - I think maybe the clockwatching thing is taking it a step too far! I'll do that anyway. The rest are certainly achievable though and I'm sticking to my guns. xx

You're still logged on I see.... :-))))

09-09-13, 18:16
Is it something in the atmosphere? My get up and go has done just that but left me at home! Did very little this weekend and didn't go out anywhere.
However today I took lots of things to the charity shop from clearing out the shed.
Went to town and bought some knitting wool so am starting on Christmas presents for friends.
Have got Mood management group tomorrow and a job interview on Wednesday so maybe I just needed a few days of nothingness to motivate myself. Have also had some good news as my dad was waiting for some hospital results which are all clear, so maybe that being on my mind has pulled me down.
I think the fact that you know you need to motivate yourself doesn't mean you are letting things slip, just that maybe your body needs the rest and should be allowed to be lazy every so often. Then when you do get going you enjoy it all the more. Well that's my theory any way!:unsure:

09-09-13, 18:19
I blame the weather :) The sunnier it is the more motivated I am :)

NE21 worrier
09-09-13, 21:47
I blame the weather :) The sunnier it is the more motivated I am :)

Definitely something in this. Now I'm not saying we're all just SAD (:D) - generally something more than that. But, even waking on a workday, I'm faster out of bed with my nervous tummy on a bright sunny day than I ever will be on gloomy, grey one.

I like the seasons, and autumn especially for my birthday and to see the leaves go all pretty colours. Even the nights cutting in has something homely about it when you're safe and warm back in the house but horrible cold/wet/windy mornings is something which I don't think I will ever take to - not that I think I'm particularly unusual to think that.


09-09-13, 22:02
We should all move to a sunny place for the winter :)

09-09-13, 22:04
Oh, that sounds very much like me. I have still been exercising and my eating's been ok, but in terms of dong my work, well, I really am struggling. Chores at home too. I don't understand why I am feeling like this. What I do know if your attitude is right. Getting stuck back in there. It's the best thing for you. Just write the last couple of weeks off, no point beating yourself up over it. It happens doesnt it.... Anyway, ONWARDS AND UPWARDS EH.?

10-09-13, 07:18
Thanks for the replies guys. Still feeling 'blurgh' but I can feel a bit of motivation coming back. I really did love my gym session & I'm going again tonight. I find the fitter I feel physically, the brighter I am mentally. They come hand in hand for me. I agree the weather has a lot to do with it. I'm really struggling to get my backside out of bed when it's still dark at 6.30! x

NE21 worrier
10-09-13, 22:24
Lol. I'm so lazy on a morning that I didn't even know it was dark now at 6.30am... you're doing well. Good luck :)

10-09-13, 23:29
I didn't know it was dark at 6:30 either! Thats the middle of the night still for me!