View Full Version : What Would You Do?

08-09-13, 19:43
If your worst fears came true?

If you actually had cancer, heart problems or the plethora of issues that you fear actually became reality, would saying "I told you so" make you feel any better? How would you handle it?

08-09-13, 20:00
I don't think it would be easy to answer this unless it did happen as only then would we know how we would react.

08-09-13, 21:11
I'm pretty sure on past experience I would cope pretty well eventually. In fact that's how I face out my HA. People do cope amazingly well on the whole.

I think for people whose lives are dominated by their HA, actually being ill can give them a great sense of meaning. Sad but true... And at least it helps them to cope.

08-09-13, 22:36
Well I've had it happen to me and to be honest, I'm less scared now than I was before it started.

You just kind of have to cope, I think it's made me stronger :)

08-09-13, 22:44
I actually think I would get some twisted relief as I would feel I actually had something real to "worry" about and I could focus my energy on working on that rather than just worrying about what I might have to worry about at some point in the future.

08-09-13, 23:11
I actually think I would get some twisted relief as I would feel I actually had something real to "worry" about and I could focus my energy on working on that rather than just worrying about what I might have to worry about at some point in the future.This is how I feel. I would be relieved to have a diagnosis, no matter how awful, because it would make sense of my symptoms.

*Fallen Angel*
09-09-13, 10:13
I actually think I would get some twisted relief as I would feel I actually had something real to "worry" about and I could focus my energy on working on that rather than just worrying about what I might have to worry about at some point in the future.

Exactly this. The anticipation of what if for me feels worse because I'm stuck in a vicious circle never really moving forward.

09-09-13, 16:09
First I want to thank those who replied. It was very kind of you to do so and I truly appreciate your honesty.

I've learned much in the last few weeks about anxiety and how it affects people. It's truly a baffling illness. And I say "illness" because it really is. It's no different than any of the illnesses you worry about. Although it causes real physical symptoms, it doesn't originate from a physical standpoint.

For those who suffer from this malady, you have my sincerest sympathy. It's my hope that you find a way to control your illness and live a happy and productive life. As one who has literally faced death and had the illnesses many of you fear, I can tell you life is MUCH too short to be worried about these things.

Your answers confirmed my suspicions. I had concluded that part of HA was a self fulfilling prophecy. It's as if you wish for the ailment you fear so greatly if only to give you some relief from the worry.

Eyji1... dude... you get it! You have a grip on it and understand and are pro-active. You'll be fine!

And Auntie Moosie... what a breath of fresh air in an environment of confusion and stress! Indeed, once you experience a serious illness, your perspective changes and you come to appreciate life in a whole new way. I know first hand how it changes you and yes, you become stronger having overcome it.

I need to take my leave of this site as I have to re-focus my efforts on my recovery from head and neck cancer. It's my hope that in some small way I've helped someone. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

Perhaps I'll pop in from time to time. You all take care and remember...

It's up to YOU! if you want to overcome this you truly can. I wish you the best...

Positive thoughts and prayers

Female healthanxiety
09-09-13, 16:36
would probably stupidly tell myself 'I told you so'!

09-09-13, 19:24
To be honest, feeling that something is amiss and not knowing is worse than knowing what you are up against. I have a great deal of respect for those of you who have experienced life-threatening illnesses and continue to fight on. My girlfriend has suffered from Crohn's Disease most of her life and I would say without a doubt that she has much more mental fortitude than I do when it comes to health issues. She owns her disease but her disease does not own her. It is simply a part of her life.