View Full Version : can someone help me stop worrying over my heart.

06-09-13, 13:26
i keep worrying,thinking & concentrating over my heart. i have had this for a few years now. somedays are better than some but thats the same for every1. good & bad days .

06-09-13, 13:34
Don't worry about your heart, if you been like it for the last coupe of years and still worrying then its not that bad surely, unless you have chest pains and they are going down your left arm, then seek medical advice straight away!! I had an aunt once who stayed in bed as she was afraid of the floor! the doctor came and said to her why isn't she scared of something normal, like, heights!, her reply was "Its the floor that kills you not the height!"
In other words live life and stop worrying, if it happens its gonna happen, let nature take its course, just eat and drink healthy and exercise regular.
Keep well

06-09-13, 13:59
Hi fruity,

You've said that you've had this worry about your heart for a few years now. However, in those few years has your heart ever failed you? You are still here and that means that your heart is still pumping and healthy :)

I know it's hard to stop the negative thoughts, but every time you do start to worry about your heart, remember - through all those years of worry your heart is still FINE and you are still here. Have faith in your heart, they are stronger than we think :)

06-09-13, 21:51
thank you both for your replies. both very honest/true. i think deep down i know but then you get weak mentally & start being worried

06-09-13, 22:02
:welcome: The worst thing you can do is start thinking that something is drastically wrong with you or your organs, I felt exactly the sane as you and even thought I was going blind and that my kidneys were failing, its all horrible feelings I know as a lot of other people on here.
Trust me you are fine and will survive!, I have.

07-09-13, 01:03
For what it's worth....

I've had two heart attacks, bypass surgery and most recently stents. If you had serious issues with your heart you wouldn't be here writing about it. It's one of those things where there is no doubt there's something seriously wrong when your heart has a problem. I knew without a doubt, I was having a heart attack.

If it was a heart problem, you would have definitely figured out what's wrong by now.

Positive thoughts and prayers

07-09-13, 08:17
Hello fruity, worrying about your heart is a very common health concern, which I think affects everybody to a certain extent. However, if you tend to have some anxieties concerning your health, then your worries will probably be worse. We worry a lot about our hearts, because they are a vital organ and perhaps we may feel slightly vunerable, knowing that something may "go wrong". However, our hearts are also a strong organ and most of the time, they will do just what they should. :) It's not uncommon to have some odd sensations or the odd palpitation every now and again and 9 times out of 10 this is nothing to worry about at all and can have many, many different reasons. I was suffering from a bit of work stress about 2 years ago and I became increasingly worried about my heart, as it would feel a bit odd sometimes and beat quickly-I did visit my GP about this and organised a test, which concluded all was fine. Since then, I have become a bit more stress free and I have actually noticed that if you try not to worry too much and distract yourself with other things in life, these heart worries will eventually fade and you will feel fine. A lot of the time actually, anxiety is to blame. If you ever do notice anything out of the ordinary or something is worrying you, it's always worth seeing the GP-even if it's just for peace of mind. :) However, if you feel fine, just try to relax and not focus so much on this. I found that mind over matter really helped me with this same worry. Good luck to you. :)

07-09-13, 10:04
Hi, have you seen your dr? I would go just to put your mind at rest. I had an ecg last year and they're quick and painless, well worth having if you are worrying about your heart xxx

07-09-13, 12:44
For what it's worth....

I've had two heart attacks, bypass surgery and most recently stents. If you had serious issues with your heart you wouldn't be here writing about it. It's one of those things where there is no doubt there's something seriously wrong when your heart has a problem. I knew without a doubt, I was having a heart attack.

If it was a heart problem, you would have definitely figured out what's wrong by now.

Positive thoughts and prayers

I've worried about my heart A LOT. You should listen to what Fishmanpa is saying.

If something was REALLY wrong with your heart. You would know. Not just maybe think that something possibly could be wrong. This is most likely all in your head. The mind is a powerful thing, don't let it play tricks on you.

07-09-13, 13:54
I'm not saying this to terrify anyone but I disagree with the fact people are saying you would know if anything was wrong with your heart and feel this could even stop fruity seeing the dr. My aunty died because of sudden arythmmic death syndrome and she never knew she had anything wrong with her heart. Which is why I had an ecg to make sure there's nothing wrong with my heart. Whilst its unlikely to be anything serious, I still think anyone who is concerned about their heart should spreak to a professional. Like I said I'm not saying this to try to upset anyone because that's the last thing I want to do! I'm just trying to be sensible xx

07-09-13, 14:08
I'm not saying this to terrify anyone but I disagree with the fact people are saying you would know if anything was wrong with your heart and feel this could even stop fruity seeing the dr. My aunty died because of sudden arythmmic death syndrome and she never knew she had anything wrong with her heart. Which is why I had an ecg to make sure there's nothing wrong with my heart. Whilst its unlikely to be anything serious, I still think anyone who is concerned about their heart should spreak to a professional. Like I said I'm not saying this to try to upset anyone because that's the last thing I want to do! I'm just trying to be sensible xx


In most cases here, the individual has been to several doctors and had several checks and tests. In this particular case, the OP has had symptoms for several years. What you're referring to (SADS), is a rare genetic condition. The only reason a physician would even check is if there was a history of SADS in the family. Of the literally MILLIONS of heart related issues and deaths that occur in the world yearly, only about 4000 are attributed to SADS.

Female healthanxiety
07-09-13, 14:12
Cassey; I understand you are probably trying to help; however your comments will probably scare a lot of people with HA; not sure if you suffer from it yourself, but please be mind fall.

07-09-13, 14:26
Of course I suffer from it myself. I wouldn't be on here if I didn't and I know how terrifying it is. But I'm still going to give the same advice that if you're worried about your heart then go to the drs. I didn't know the ops history and that they had already had tests. Luckily it turned out that the sads my aunty died from isn't genetic and was just one of those terrible things xx

07-09-13, 15:05
I think it's worth having an ECG and echo if you're genuinely concerned. They are simple tests that are very good at detecting heart problems. My GP had no problem referring me for those tests and they came back absolutely fine.

07-09-13, 16:26
The good advice that seems to be echoed in all the posts is
1st stop for anyone with heart related worries is the doctors and hopefully they will catch any problems if there are any.
2nd stop is if once you have seen the doctor and anyone continues to have concerns based around health anxiety is this forum

As like most people I have had heart related health anxiety and it is best to come on the boards only after the doctors have done the tests and ruled it out as then people have a much better understanding of how to offer advice.

The only true way I found that helped me almost overcome my health anxiety is to make your stand pic a point in when your having tests and say right the next test that is normal is the one I will listen to.

I made a packed with my doctor and myself and family that if my doctor gave me a echocardiogram and it was ok I would stop all my worrying about my heart and that was 7 months ago and I have not on e been to the doctors about it (I will not say I don't have the odd day where I worry).
But this is not bad for someone who for 2 years before that echo had been to a&e twice in the ambulance due to suspected heart attack and have had handsful of ecgs and treadmill ecgs also chest x rays and all the bloods.

So all I would say we are not doctors everyone has different symptoms so best to check them out 1st...

08-09-13, 20:30
thanks pete. i once thought i was going blind too.

---------- Post added at 19:14 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

sorry to hear all that fishmanpa. you are truly a strong person. thanks for the reply.

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exellent reply thank you iced diamond

---------- Post added at 19:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:17 ----------

no i have not had an ecg cassy. im to frightend just incase they find something

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eyji1 thanks for your reply

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very good reply. cassey.

---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------

thanks for all your replies. hope i haven,t caused any hassle.

08-09-13, 20:44
Honestly fruity I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about but it would be worth having an ecg just to put your mind at rest and they are so quick and completely painless :-) xx

09-09-13, 07:32
Just wanted to add quickly. When it comes to any sort of health/medical concern, it's always best to seek the suggestions/advice of a GP (medically trained professional), as they will have a much better understanding of an individuals health/health history and will be able to advise accordingly. This is a good forum however and it's great that we can share our own experiences and try to comfort/help each other, which I think means a lot to us all. :)

09-09-13, 12:13
thank you.

11-09-13, 13:26
How are your pains now have they gone- I have had the same thing and am taking the plunge having heart tests done I am scared stiff but would be better to know than not - could you do the same it may put your mind at rest.

11-09-13, 17:17
Hi there, I am experiencing this exact thing. I went to the ER in August after 5 days of chest pain, mostly in my left arm pit region. Nothing was wrong, although my anxiety remained for a few days. Two weeks ago I went camping with friends, and when I came home I napped and woke up to my left arm numb and tingly. I figure I slept wrong. Throughout the night, there was constant pain. It went into the next day and the next day and on and on. I finally went back to the ER, they did an EKG, everything was totally fine. I was at ease for a day. It has been almost 11 days. My chest burns, my arm hurts and I feel sick. I don't know how to convince myself I'm okay. Please

11-09-13, 18:31
If your physical symptoms are relieved by reassurance from the ER, then maybe they are anxiety based. Have a look on the All Experts Cardiology forum. I am sure that people have posted with similar symptoms and the doctors have put their mind at rest. Best wishes.

11-09-13, 22:31
im good thank you.

---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 21:27 ----------

ihope your ok. i just can,t seem to take my mind off my heart