View Full Version : Anxiety caused muscle weakness/soreness ?

27-08-13, 06:30
Hi guys, a new symptom has appeared in the last weak or so and I'm freaking out because the other old symptoms are getting better (or I am getting used to them).

I had weakness and tightness in my legs but now I'm feeling better. I exercise every day (stationary biking) and I do feel good effects from it.

But... in the last week I feel weakness in my arms. My forearms are aching(I guess this could a side effect of the stationary biking) and my muscles are getting tired faster. I am doing 30 push-ups and on the next day I have soreness in my triceps. Especially in my left arm. Also, I am experiencing weakness in left shoulder.

My back is also hurting - lower back and erector spinae muscles, especially in the morning after getting out of bed.

Do you think these muscle aches could be caused by anxiety? Maybe my posture is changed because of constant tightening of my abdominals or my muscle tone is increased, ergo the muscles are getting tired all the time.

Thank you for your help!