View Full Version : Can meds causing twitching??..really freaked

23-08-13, 03:46
HI Again....sorry to be posting yet again but I was tryng to get some info on side effects of the meds I've just started 10mg Aropax (paraxetine) once daily. I started this on Wednesday this week which is the day these back twitches/muscle spasms strted. They're not bad and just a few times a day but the info pack warns to see your doctor immediately if you get spasms or twitches!!!! now I'm really stressing out. I cant go back to him Iw as just there yesterday getting a whole bunch of test results back including MRI all of which were normal. Please help I dont seem to be getting any relief from ahyting and I cant stay off the bloody google!!! Thanks god for this website or I really would feel just so isolated. Not feeling too good in the ehad today either but not sure if its the meds or not. Its only been 3 days since I started them.

23-08-13, 16:22
Why don't you call your doc and ask? Everyone gets worried if they think they're having drug side effects and I'm sure your doc would want you to ask if it says that on the leaflet.