View Full Version : Anxiety becoming overwhelming

15-08-13, 12:49
IN the last few months i have suffered on off with anxiety which has recently manifested itself into obsessive thoughts of my health. My most recent scary issue, is my memory.

I don't know if anyone has had this but i keep getting snippets from an occasion with friends where i have done or said something, nothing significant, just small things, and i dunno if and where it happened.

For example, i went to a gathering and i know we didn't take any group pictures. I however took one and sent it to a friend, and for some reason started to get a vague memory of taking pictures with my mates at this gathering which i know we didn't do. I don't know if this is just part of dream or if its something my mind has conjured up. Really freaks me out.

If anyone has any advice would be much appreciated

15-08-13, 12:53
Could be meds, i'm taking that many my dreams seem very real. But I'm no Doctor.

15-08-13, 12:57
forgot to mention that i'm not on any meds. just have suffered from high anciety levels for a few months

15-08-13, 15:16
Have you seen your gp if not i would go thats what they're there for and most doctors understand anxiety issues,I didnt go to the doctors straight away maybe if i had i wouldnt have got as bad as i have,give gp a try.Good luck Linda

16-08-13, 10:51
i agree after leaving it and had a nervous breakdown!!! not good. Got to the Docs

16-08-13, 15:13
Sure thing. thanks guys. MY anxiety really has been scary recently as it makes me question everything, 'did i do that?' 'was that a dream or a memory' 'when did i do or see that' and just things like that. It's making me feel like i'm going crazy :(

16-08-13, 23:52
Hello & :welcome:

I agree with the above, you should definitely see your GP about your anxiety and it sounds like you could be experiencing some depersonalisation too. It can be quite frightening. One thing is for sure, you are certainly not going crazy!

I hope it helps you being here. Kitti :)

25-08-13, 19:23
Also the other day i was on an anxiety website that i hadn't looked at for months. On there, there is a list of symptoms i remember, however there was one in particular that i thought i pretty clearly remembered being there but couldn't find it when i looked the other day.

I know this sounds petty and menial, but it still freaked me out, made me think my memory was false or i had imagine it or something :/ anyone else experienced this sort of uncertainty in their memory?

i might add at the time i first looked at the website and the list i was going through some serious depersonalisation. don't know if this would have made any difference