View Full Version : anx creeping back up on me...

01-08-13, 22:53
so I've been in quite a nice patch where I've been able to live my anxiety again but I'm having some symptoms sneak up on me again.. the main one that worries me is that I'm very tense in the day or when I'm working and i get periods of very high anxiety when i try and relax again.. its messing with my sleep and generally worrying me, anyone else having similar troubles with some tips? :) thanks for reading x

02-08-13, 02:03
I just had a relaspse this week! Very disheartening. If you think you are starting to feel anxiety creeping up on you again I would take steps to prevent it. I wish I would have. I'm not as bad off as I was before and I'm already a lot better so it's not like starting from scratch but relapses SUCK!!!

02-08-13, 02:15
I am in the midst of a "relapse". And it has fully taken over my sleep to the point where I can't relax enough to fall asleep. :mad: It doesn't help that I am getting married in 9 DAYS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:yahoo:
I think the most important thing to remember is that anxiety CAN'T HURT YOU!!! no matter how awful it makes you feel, that's all it is, a feeling!!! I know that is easier said than done in the moment of it but try to remember that!!!:bighug1:

02-08-13, 12:28
"Don't begrudge setbacks, you learn more in setbacks than you do in the good periods" - Claire Weekes

02-08-13, 18:51
"Don't begrudge setbacks, you learn more in setbacks than you do in the good periods" - Claire Weekes

I was just thinking along these lines! Thanks for sharing that!!!:yesyes::bighug1:

02-08-13, 19:32
thanks for all your replys, its really nice to hear its not just me x :bighug1: