View Full Version : I,v finaly done it...but teriffied.

rachel m
24-07-13, 20:50
After suffering 23 years of chronic nerve problems, including, Health Anxiety, Agoraphobia, Social phobia and panic attacks galore!!!. I,v finaly plucked up the courage to see my gp. I,m one of those phobics who hates to see a dr incase he tells me i,m dying or i have a terminal disease. Anyway i was having horrible joint pain for a while so decided i had to go and see my gp. To cut a long story short i went, had loads of bloods done and found out that i was vitamin D defficient due to my lack of sunlight (Agoraphobia). I,v now got an appointment at the hospital on 25th October for a gastric band opp that i,v wanted for many years. Funny thing is i,m terriffied in an excited way. I,v been taking Sertraline now for 12 months and had CBT and its only recently that i thought to myself that, Enough is Enough!!!. I have a lifetime to live and i can only die on one day of that. I,m not goin to worry about that one day anymore. I know many many of you are suffering day to day with this bloody vile parasite we call mental illness, I was the person who everyone gave up on. "That lost cause" but no matter how ill you are at the moment, and you see no cure as i did. I,m sure you will find peace. Sorry for rambeling on but i felt the need to send out something positive. Remember to rule your brain and not let it rule you. "Where would it be without you". You are the boss. xxxxxxx

24-07-13, 21:47
Hi Rachel

Glad you seem to be finally getting some respite from it all, sounds like the medication has helped you and good luck with the op and the doctors appt. It's nice to read a positive post on here, we are all in the same boat but it does give hope when you read things like this.

take care

24-07-13, 22:02
Wow, good for you! x