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24-07-13, 03:31
Hi everyone,
I was browsing the net and came upon this forum and felt so relieved to find you all!
I've been suffering from anxiety for about 4 years now. I had it reasonably under control. Then I found out I was pregnant with twins and that set my anxiety off again as I was so worried I wouldn't be able to cope with twins (first time mum). I had my babies (now 19mo) and I surprised myself with how easily I adapted to motherhood. However, my anxiety has now reared it's ugly head again. I am constantly worried about something happening to me and not being around to watch them grow up and I worry constantly that god forbid something will happen to one or both of them.
So that's my story in a nutshell. I look forward to getting to know you all better :-)

24-07-13, 07:01
Hi, and :welcome:

I think where motherhood is concerned, it is important to remember that every mother feels what you describe to a greater or lesser extent. Your anxiety will obviously make it worse. I always wanted twins, and when I had two babies almost two years apart, I was so glad I had them one at a time! I cannot imagine how much you can find to worry about!

You will find lots of support here, glad you could make it. ;)