View Full Version : tickle in throat

20-07-13, 17:34
has any one on citilapram had a tickle in the back of the throat, iv had it now about 3 weeks, and its a pain in the butt, i get it about 6 times a day, and it makes me gag, any answers greatly recieved,

20-07-13, 17:53
I never had this when on citalopram though I did have a very dry mouth for about 6 weeks. Does your mouth feel dry, perhaps this might cause the tickle?

20-07-13, 18:01
no its just the back of my throat, its doing it as i type this message, it lasts about a minute, its like somones tickling my throat with a feather, as daft as it sounds lol

20-07-13, 19:09
Sounds really annoying and I can understand that it is driving you potty.

20-07-13, 19:13
think iv had every side effect under the sun lol,

21-07-13, 21:15
I have been on cit for a year now and have had a cough, mainly at night, caused by a tickle in the throat ever since, I've still got it even though I am now only on 10mg and was on 20 before.