View Full Version : Sore and Swollen Throat

13-07-13, 21:58
Hi all
Has anyone experienced sore/ swollen throat while taking citalopram. I took 20mg for 2 years with no problems.

I have now reduced from 20 to 10 in the last 3 months, I've been getting strange throat pain that is not there all the time but flares up at some point in the day.

I take other meds, levothyroxine & atorvastatin. I've done a process of illumination and am now convinced the throat pain and swelling is being set off by citalopram. Must say am shocked as this is new and came on in the past 4 weeks. I seems to happen about 3 hours after taking citalopram and lasts for about 4 hours. I have tried taking it at different times and this is whats convinving me that its the culprit. I have done same with other meds and they dont seem to have any relation, although the statin is fairly new to me.

Any opinions?
Kind regards K80y