View Full Version : Changing symptoms - fatigue

03-07-13, 17:56
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping someone may have experienced the same and can put my mind at rest....
Its about a year since I had my first panic attack. I don't have many these days but have suffered almost constant dizziness for about the last 6 months. Its not like I am completely dizzy but I feel unsteady and like my head is full of cotton wool and my eyes wont focus properly.
However, over the last couple of weeks I have started to feel really tired (on top of the dizziness) and a little but sickly. I just come home from work and have had the most horrendous day with it.

Id like to know if anyone else has suffered from this horrible dizziness (any remedies or solutions you have would be great!) and if anyone has symptoms that change



08-07-13, 06:01
Hi Chris

The question is to you feel Dizzy or do you think you feel dizzy? I know what you mean when you say your head feels like cotton wool, that was my bug bear hated it. I had to give up caffeine and drink a lot more water. I also started to drink a lot more home made fruit / veg juices and going for long walks. Also I made sure I had plenty of sleep. Though on saying that it may pay you to get your eyes tested first, they can cause your problems also