View Full Version : We live in a Cold Climate but im hot and sweaty

09-10-06, 11:09
I am kind of worried also and forgot to mention in my other post a few minutes ago is that we live in a somewhat cold climate...Its usally pretty cool in the house at night around sixty or below degrees..If I wear a t shirt I get cold and my arms feel wet...Not sure this is water vapor from the altitude or its just sweat..If I put on a long sleeve shirt I my arms sweat so I don't understand this..Its not when im anxious..its just sometimes..It seems to be when it has rained outside but could be all the time..Its just so many weird feelings here in this region .It could be normal but im not sure.When I saw the doctor she ask if it was cold sweat? I am not sure but told her it just seems like moisture on the skin..she looked at me like I was crazy and didn't say anything about it..If anyone could share light on this it would be great.My BP is good and my heart rate are good and my temperature seems normal so I don't know what the heck is going on..but im a worrier so im worried...

10-10-06, 15:03
some meds can make you sweat

i take sage to stop the sweating but i get really hot as well

my friend used to sweat a lot and wasnt on meds she wasnt hot just sweated and thats probably why your dr asked if it was a cold sweat cos that what my friends were like and she was diagnosed with a thyroid problem she takes meds for it and is ok now
this probably isnt what you have

but maybe you should go back to dr


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

10-10-06, 21:21
We're all worriers here! I sometimes get hold & cold sweats when I'm anxious. But I know its caused by anxiety. Though I sometimes get an ache in my throat and my chest gets tight, which I now know is a symptom of anxiety - I can get this right at the start when I don't even consciously feel anxious.

At least you know your heart & BP are good. But see doc again if you're still worried. Hope this helps.
