View Full Version : Palpitations, BP and Anxiety...Help!

29-06-13, 02:25
So i got hurt at work today (a back injury). I had to go to the doctor to get assessed and when they took my BP it was 166/73. It's NEVER that high. My brain started going on overdrive and since my palpitations have been acting up the past week, I can't seem to calm down. When they checked me out of the Dr.'s they took my pressure again. The first time it was 165/103 but then they checked the other arm and it was 144/78 (still high but not bad). I never have high blood pressure...even at the doctor's where most people get anxious.

Now I am sitting here and got really bad palps about an hour ago which almost threw me into a full blown panic attack. I just need reassurance I guess. It also doesn't help that my wife is away and I am home alone all night. :(

29-06-13, 17:20
I'm 21 and four months ago my bp was mostly in the 90s, and once when it was taken a month or two back it was 147. I was roasting and pouring sweat at the time and in tachycardia (think I'd gone in there for chest pains or maybe vision probs; can't remember) so it was almost certainly adrenaline behind it even though I wasn't actually that freaked out at the time. Like you, when they took it later it had gone down by about 20. Everyone's bp can have weird spikes; normally you're only supposed to be concerned if it's consistently high most of the time.

What kind of palps do you mean? Racing heart, pounding heart or skipped beats? No need to worry whichever if you've been checked out before, just wondering.

29-06-13, 18:32
dear you.

I know how you feel.

Anxiety makes your palps worse, anxiety makes your blood pressure higher ...

I am also on the edge of nervous breakdown when I'm home alone ....

I am a member of a group on facebook for people with arrhythmias, I can send you a link? here is support and advice day and night - almost ....

Otherwise, send me a private message so I can add you.