View Full Version : Working as a telemarketer?

21-06-13, 04:08
Hey all. After a few months of solid searching, applications, and interviews I finally found my new job. I got it pretty easily; a friend and I both went in for a group interview and were told we had the job the next day. The pay is **fantastic**, the managers are all incredibly nice, the new workers who I was grouped with are also very, very nice, and above all I think this job will be really good for me. I'm hoping it will help me build communication skills as well as get me a good reference letter when I apply to grad school later this fall (and I know the head manager will write me a killer letter if I ask).

But, I start on Sunday and I am terrified. We did practice calls and I have a script (and they say as we do more calls we'll get better which I bet is true) but my phone skills aren't always the best and I am just terrified that I am going to get tripped up with what I am saying or just sound really stupid. Especially when compared to the other workers who have been there longer; thankfully my friend and another beginning worker will be there AND since it's summer there aren't a lot of workers around anyway, but I just can't get over it and am filled with dread whenever I think about it.

The fact is, I really need this job for all of the many reasons I listed above. I think this really will be a good job as long as I can get past this initial stage but I am just in a really bad place right now.

Words of advice? I know starting new jobs is a really common source of anxiety and I know it's hard for me right now especially as I have had other anxieties and more panic attacks than usual recently. Ugh. I just wish I wasn't so nervous!!

21-06-13, 21:35
Congratulations on getting your job!

The employer has assessed your skills. They do not employ people if they don't think they are up to it. I totally understand why you're nervous, but they clearly think you have the skills they would expect from a beginner. I'm sure there will be times you will stumble, anyone would, but it sounds like there are many positive aspects to this job.

Good luck!!