View Full Version : why do i panic when not well

14-06-13, 13:21

Well I've caught the flu from my son this week.

Last night I dreaded going to bed as I knew I would have a bad time sleeping
My throat felt like when I swallowed it was glass! Managed to get few hours in woke early 6am throat bad,now my whole body aches sooo much even my hands!
God I hate being ill, it plays havoc with my mind.can't even concentrate on tv.

14-06-13, 13:38
I sometimes find that my first symptom of illness is anxiety. I occasionally get a day where I feel really anxious and panicky for no obvious reason then the day after I get a cold or whatever. My guess is that as anxious types we are so keyed into subtle changes in ourselves that an illness can unbalance us really easily.
I hope you feel better soon. It's awful feeling ill.

14-06-13, 15:48
I agree with Jamesflames...those changes we feel when not well really can make us feel unbalanced and we are forever tuning in to our thoughts and feelings...like being on high alert all the time.

I hope you feel better soon Clio. Take care hun xxx :hugs: :flowers: get well soon xxx

14-06-13, 16:10
poor you hope you feel better being unwell or being in pain is a anxiety trigger for me too, blessings

14-06-13, 17:01

Well I've caught the flu from my son this week.

Last night I dreaded going to bed as I knew I would have a bad time sleeping
My throat felt like when I swallowed it was glass! Managed to get few hours in woke early 6am throat bad,now my whole body aches sooo much even my hands!
God I hate being ill, it plays havoc with my mind.can't even concentrate on tv.

Ahh hope you feel better soon.

BUT basically the symptoms like sore throat tight feeling flue causing breathing problems are psychologically related to symptoms of panic attacks. I think that's why. I had a fever the other week.....burning and I'm also pregnant - I was in a right daze trying not to panic and I got through it and I'm a major control freak and panic if things aren't right etc , so I think that s why your struggling at the moment.

Take care

14-06-13, 21:13
Thank everyone,

Well went back to bed this afternoon for couple hours your shot up at 5 pm ,I felt so drained that even lying on the couch made my body ache.

Throat doesn't feel as servere, just blocked up nose and headache.:lac:

14-06-13, 21:52
Hey Clio,

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

I always get heightened anxiety when I am ill. I'm fact pains in my back and abdomen kicked off a really bad episode for me (on top of other issues) about 7 weeks ago which has resulted in meds and therapy but I just seem to panic when I get ill about work and worrying I'll never get better. I have IBS too which is being investigated but I often think negatively that "I'll always be this way" even though I fight it but am hoping CBT will help with this.

Have you ever tried anything like CBT to help you manage? Colds and flu are one of the most straightforward illnesses to me but they make you feel sooo awful when you're blocked up or sore throat, achey limbs etc so it's only natural too that you're anxiety would be higher. I'm sure I read that somewhere that some cold and flu meds don't mix so well with anxiety meds so may be worth checking that any OTC stuff you're taking isn't making you feel worse.

Hope you feel better soon. Xx