View Full Version : Panic attack?

10-06-13, 15:07
Hi everyone

It's been a while since I last posted on here but I'm sat at work and about 10 minutes ago I started feeling symptoms which I hope is down to a panic attack and nothing more sinister.

I had been getting a few aches and pains and then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the middle of my chest and my heart started racing. I stood up from my desk, was shaking and had to leave the room. My palms were clammy and my poor colleague had to stand with me to make sure i was alright. I felt the pain spread to my shoulder and my vision for a split second went all blurry.

I've had panic attacks before but they've never started this way. Has anyone else had a panic attack that started with a sharp chest pain? :(


Lou xxx

10-06-13, 15:20
hi Lou, hope your feeling a bit better.

can i just ask how old r u??? Just becuase someones young doesnt mean their exempt from a heart attack but, if your young i think because u have been a panic sufferer the minute that your brain detected a problem/pain _ immeadiate adrenaline surge occurs sendin your body into meltdown and making your panic resurface so that you simultaneously experience fake symtoms - related to your worst feel which was iniially a heart problem.

hopefully you wont get this again x

10-06-13, 15:28
Thanks Col.

I'm 25 years old. Last year I suffered terribly with anxiety and panic attacks, had several visits down the hospital and even forked out for a full body scan (in Jan 2012). I've had blood tests and ECGs and everything has checked out but I do suffer with ectopic beats and sometimes I find if I lay on my side my heart beats really fast for a few seconds and then it goes away.

I've always worried I've had a heart problem. I had a 48 hour monitor put in and nothing came up but it does still worry me, especially as I get chest pains.

Before today I haven't had a panic attack for months and all of a sudden this happened and I have no idea why but I've never had the sharp chest pain onset before. xxx

10-06-13, 15:40
if you have been checked out then thats good so yes probably a panic attack they all appear differently, and are horrible mine are feeling i am going to faint, or black out, i hope you dont get any more take care blessings

10-06-13, 16:59
YEh I get the faint feeling too. I'm getting a tight chest sort of feeling most of this afternoon. It's like a band around my chest that gets tighter. Hoping it will go away soon :(

10-06-13, 18:04
ahh bless you Lou, hmmm i honestly think panic attack. maybe you did have an unrelated pain, we all get them from time 2 time but panic set in also or was part of that feelin xx

oh no_1
10-06-13, 18:37
how many and how long have ya panic attacks lasted before?

14-06-13, 11:02
I used to get them a couple of times a week and the worst they lasted was for around 2 hours and on that occasoin I was in hospital.

I usually get, what I think, are ectopics. i had one just now where I had a sudden thud of really fast and hard heartbeats and I could feel it in my throat and they last literally a second but they do take my breath away.

Has anyone else had this? It is quite frightening. I've got a fair amount on my plate when I think about it. I work full time but also studying alongside that, my fiance and I are moving in with my parents in two months so need to get a house worth of stuff down to 1.5 rooms, we're planning a wedding, saving for a house as well so it is busy times but I don't 'feel' stressed about it. Is it possible for your mind to feel fine but your body to feel stressed??

14-06-13, 14:34
It sounds like a panic attack yes, I hate how they come from no where!

I get those skipped beats Loubelle, it makes you jump!

14-06-13, 14:38
it is really horrible.

Just now I was at the scanner at work and If elt like I was going to pass out. My vision went all blurry and I had to sit down, I then got a chest pain and said I'm not right and was told to put my head between my legs :( :( gutted that these are coming back after so long.

14-06-13, 20:12
:( It's so horrible