View Full Version : Anxiety stopping me getting a job

09-06-13, 14:27
Hi all
Hope you all doing well

the above says it all really .....................I left my last job after it became too unbearable and now I am in the job market

I had my first interview on Friday after 17 years and got down to the last 2 but they chose the other as I was apparently very nervous at the start of the interview (they were not wrong had taken 2 tamezepam and was still shaking)

Any tips guys - I was almost tempted before the interview to have a vodka and coke but I did not :roflmao:

Mikey xxxxxxx

09-06-13, 16:29
That's a lousy excuse to not employ someone. Sorry to hear that.

Preparation is the best thing you can do. Practise interview questions and answers that are likely to be asked. Get someone to help you, so they can give you advice on how to answer the question. Just remember that if you don't get the job it's not the end of the world, you can always apply for another job and try again :)

One of the few pieces of useful advice my dad gave to me when I was younger was "If you're not nervous it means you don't care." so just go with the flow :)

Well done for getting back into work and, no, I don't advice on alcohol consumption before an interview ;) lol

09-06-13, 16:31
Why not do some volunteering as practise? It's a similar process but less scary and everyone's friendly in charity shops :) Plus it's experience too.
Or you could do something self employed for a bit like gardening? I think you need to slowly get used to it again, the problem is interviews throw you right in the deep end!

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 16:29 ----------

Oh and no no no to the vodka business, it's bad enough being nervous let alone being drunk too! :roflmao:

10-06-13, 17:34
I've felt the same way recently. This will be my first job ever, however, which makes it all the more nerve racking. I applied for a job last week at a local grocery store, and right after I submitted it I felt very panicky. But now I'm okay with it, I realize that if I want to face my fears then I need to jump on in. I'm prepared to do my job and do it good if they decide to hire me. It will be hard for me at first because I am a very shy individual, but I know I can do it. And I know you can too. All the best to you. :)

10-06-13, 21:22
I do have a job but I struggle with it day to day, having anxiety and being shy makes it hard to speak to the people I visit on a daily basis (as a home support worker) but I try my best, at times I've taken on duties in my job I'm not really supposed to because I haven't the confidence to say to them I'm not able to do that, but being out of work due to anxiety and lack of confidence for a long time in the past I am just sticking with it and managing what I can at the moment to pay the bills, finances are difficult and have looked for a new job for a long time but as soon as I see in the job description things like 'must be outgoing, confident....etc' I write it off straight away, I could never pretend I am more confident than I am to get any of these jobs and I find it narrow's it down a lot to what you feel you can apply for, but sure there must be a job out there right for everyone, I'd be happy just working on my own I think!