View Full Version : Breathing symptoms- Definitely from anxiety but need advice

08-06-13, 21:44
Hello, i've been coping very very well with my anxiety lately but tonight i've randomly got them silly breathing symptoms I used to get but basically, it sorta feels like there's an air bubble in my throat (I know there isn't) so as you can tell, i'm handling it pretty well. Every so often I keep getting anxious about it... but i'll be okay. I just need advice. How do I take my mind off it? Because right now i'm so focussed on my breathing and it's really frustrating and I keep trying to swallow all the time to make it go away..but it feels like effort to swallow and that's what's making me anxious -.-"
so does anyone have any advice?
Thanks :D

08-06-13, 22:12
Hi! I get that constantly. Do you feel like you have to burp, is it a feeling of fullness? The extra swallowing definitely makes it worse. Try sucking on a hard candy or mint, or get a warm cup of tea. Those often help me. (I'm actually sucking on a mint right now!)

08-06-13, 22:13
to me that shows your not coping. if you ask how to take your mind of it. but i know i have been there. just either take deep breaths,read,write,draw,colour. ect...... i only usualy come on this forum when i do need help & know im not coping. you will be ok. have a sing,count.

08-06-13, 22:44
Well, I think i'm coping perfectly fine...I only asked for adivice that I could always use in the future if it happens again because it's gone off now.. but thanks for the advice.. fruity:)

Thanks for the advice bibliophilic! That's how I felt! It's gone off now because I took my mind off it by watching a television program but i'm sure i'll try having a mint next time it happens! :D