View Full Version : help..

03-06-13, 23:01
im having a massive panic its got worse over the past 3 hours... ive been having them on and off now for the past 4 months now again and im not on meds anymore seems scince ive been of them the panic and anxiety is all creeping back. right now im scared my legs are tight and muscles jumping pain in my throat and heaving through panicing. feeling sick shakey im trying to concemtrate on typing thought rushing around randomly just flipping pure panicing.. my partner working nights not helping, my job is so getting me down and I hate veing on my own in my own company this makes my panic worse . I wish I didn't feel like this.. do you think I should go back on my tablets.??? I really scared to take them again as I hate how they make me feel when I first start them so scared right now .please someone talk to me

03-06-13, 23:49
Hello always,

Hope you are feeling a little better now.

Firstly, in my own experience, I find that breathing slowly and evenly helps my symptoms ease.

Secondly, in terms of the challenges you have, can you:

a) Get your partner to work another shift other than nights?
b) See if you can work out what is getting you down in your own job and make changes accordingly?
c) Practice being in your own company; it really isn;t so bad once you give it a chance

Hope that helps

03-06-13, 23:52
Hi I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Try to take deep breaths in, hold it for the count of 4 and let it out slowly. Keep repeating this until you feel calmer. You may need to go back on mexs to help you but you are best discussing this with your doctor.

04-06-13, 22:56
anne /urban thank u for replies, im a little better today with panic, im starting my meds sunday night this is the date ive set, im really not happy that I have to go back on them but I guess after the horrible side eefects it will calm me down again,, I really know I have to be alone sometimes and im trying really hard to do it... thank you x

04-06-13, 23:33
I'm not of fan of meds, they don't cure anything, only mask symptoms...I took them for 11 yrs, been off them .2 yrs now ,but if you feel you need them then its your decision..

05-06-13, 11:26
Well its good you're off your meds. I was to afraid to ever try them. Theres a video with some steps that worked for me.

Try this!

and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdLnh-Za-34