View Full Version : Why me again?

03-06-13, 17:23
I have today been told that my dad only has days left to live ..
I arrived on this site 4years ago after losing my mum,
And having had approx a year free of anxiety attacks and health anxiety (apart from the odd day) my worst fear is that I am gonna hit rock bottom and it start all over again...
Already have the nausea.. And know I am gonna go through all the same as I did 4 years ago...
I am a single parent ( my kids are young adults now) but the fear of losing my dad and then worry about my children is soo great
I suffered in silence for the most part the first time round ( friends thought it lasted about 6 months not 3 years) not sure I'm strong enough again!
My dad is the last of my immediate family bar my brother whose younger but I am just so scared!
Don't want sertraline again, felt like a failure.
Life is soo hard sometimes

03-06-13, 17:32
I am really sorry you are going through this, it can't be easy for anyone. You will get through it though. I do think you need to see your doctor, needing medication does not make you a failure. You may only need medication for the short term to help you through this. You are right, life is hard sometimes but it is amazing how we often find the strength to help us through. I am sure you will get lots of support on here and hopefully your doctor will be able to help with further support. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

03-06-13, 21:26
Sorry to hear you are going through this. :hugs:

Believing you are a failure is a common symptom of depression. But, the intrusive thoughts created by the depression are all lies! You are not a failure! You have not done anything wrong.

Don't be afraid to talk to others or ask for help. People will understand, it is very hard to lose someone close to you.

04-06-13, 13:09
Im so sorry for you having to go through this.
I would suggest going to the doctor, and always remain on here were here for you :) x

04-06-13, 20:03
Thank you guys... X