View Full Version : My children

02-06-13, 20:57
I'm having a bad time not with kids but many things around them, my eldest goes to,big school this year and he is already an outcast I'm so so scared for him he is a great kid... And I'm glad he don't hang around with the bad kids if you know ant I mean...but I can't stop worrying, I have Always had panic disorder but this is stressing me out, and I think he is unhappy...I don't want him to end up like me, I really want him to be happy...please some advice would be nice, love to hear from other parents with similar issues, and how to deal with this as my son has already been bullied

02-06-13, 22:04
I have worked in Secondary schools and we often have students arriving in year 7 who maybe have not had many friends in Primary school. In their new form classes they usually make new friends from other schools and this may be just the change that he needs :). The majority of children are a little apprehensive about the transition from Primary to Secondary. Most secondary schools have induction days in June or July and they get to meet their form tutor and other students.
Quite often it is the parents who are more anxious about the transition than the child :D

03-06-13, 10:02
I think I know how you feel. my son is 8 and is a constant source of anxiety for me. My husband says he is fine, so its just anxiety talking. Again.

Perhaps that might be whats happened to you too? If not, maybe speak to his school to see if there is anything they can reassure you about? He might not be unhappy you know! :) And just because he is your son, it doesnt mean he is going to be like you xx

09-06-13, 11:44
Hi Torri, my daughter starts secondary school this sept and my little boy whose only just turned 4 starts reception and I'm having a baby due in novemeber.

My little boy is very articulate for his age and is crazy and we thought he'd be absolutly fine at preschool and guess what - as school is rapidly approaching he keeps complaining, Molly, Casper , Danny..... who he always says he plays with, are no longer his friends BUT he says it every week recently. I went to collect him from nursery last week and I watched him playing by himself in the sand??? Kids are fickle particularly at this age BUT great just when he's about to leave preschool. Then my daughter never had any issues at school she's flown through, however 1 year ago her best friends turned against her VERY difficult when you know the mums and effort with parties etc. anyway they worked it out but went on for an infuriating 10 wks. Anyway just B4 the last half term - it started to happen again & I've basically put 2 of the parents straight but really emphasised I didn't want to make a mountain out of a mole hill but, this has happend B4 and secondary school is fast approaching SO this needs to stop. She's returned to school and whatever the parents have said to their kids seems to have worked BUT who knows? So yep I'm anxious but also just think take it one day at the time I will worry but I refuse to get myself in a tangle about this!

Fingers crossed x