View Full Version : Struggling with CBT

02-06-13, 19:01
Hey guys, would like a little insight as im trying to work through my symptoms.. as I go through CBT, its teaching me that all my symptoms are just manifestations of adrenalin, and not to react to them in fear. It also teaching me to identify the symptoms, label them as adrenalin, not react, and move on..the problem Im having, is that one symptom im having a very hard time defining. I have a feeling or overall dread, is the best way I can describe it, that comes and goes with intensity, but last usally all day, and gives me the urge to cry..im having a very hard time describing this and labeling it to my therapist, and my biggest fear as this feeling will never pass, as it has lasted all day every day for months..again, varying in intensity..should I just label it as "feeling of dread"? The problem is I know that its not dangerous, I know that im not in any danger, but its just a horrible feeling that makes me want to cry, as im so afraid that it will never go away..any thoughts? I would love to hear if any others have had this type of feeling,(again, im sorry but its hard to describe) and how they were able to accept it and move on?

07-06-13, 16:20
Hey Rybonn, Maybe it's depression? I know anxiety often comes hand in hand with depression: while CBT can be good at giving you the tools to deal with fight / flight feelings and some aspects of anxiety maybe it's not going to help with depression. That might need another kind of therapy altogether, something more long term, something that will help you get to the source of the vague dread? xx

07-06-13, 17:03
Hey Rybonn,
what I have during my crisis is something similar.
I have anxiety very high, I am scared.
But in general, not about something.
I know that it's not dangerous, but still I am scared and I cannot function properly.
After a while (with medication) usually it stops and comes a sort of depression (feeling guilty to not be able to cope with anxiety, I will have always relapses, blablabla).

I think it's a mixture anxiety/depression... mine at least.
I am doing therapy and it's not easy to explain at all this feeling.
CBT should help in both cases.
The therapist should be able to help you indentifying what you are feeling