View Full Version : Chest rib pain

02-06-13, 14:32
Afternoon guys.
Really unsettled today, I keep getting pain in my rib cagey area, below the breasts, sometimes in my chest and my lower back and throat. I keep saying 'my insides hurt'. My GP listened to my lungs on Monday and said they sounded perfectly clear, I don't have a fever or anything and that was checked too, but its really freaking me out. It comes and goes I was walking around in town today and I got all weird thinking I was literally about to have a heart attack. I woke up and it came on after about about half hour or so, again yesterday it seemed to come and go in different areas. Id say about three weeks ago i had a virus and i had brought up a small bit of blood, and she said my glands were swollen she wasn't worried as I knew it was possible it was because i had been vomiting alot from a hangover a day or to before though and that there was a small small bit. i have got abit of phlegm coming up but its clear.
The only thing I think about is after I had my last anxiety attack, a few days later I was getting pain in my left side of the rib, and my chest was tight, my doc again listened to my chest and said all sounded perfectly clear. I also had an ECG last month that again came back perfectly normal. Anyone else get this? Or know what it may or may not be?
Sick of this now, this time last week I was convinced it was a brain tumour now I'm convinced its my heart or some sort of cancer :-(

02-06-13, 16:19
I have dreadful pain in my rib area and the top of my stomach (diaphragm area) and this is down to muscle tension from feeling anxious! I try not to let it bother me. I also get very tense in my neck and shoulders.

02-06-13, 18:15
Yes it sounds very similar to me, it travels to my shoulders and sometimes my upper back but deffo the area you have is what frustrates me the most.
I went walk in centre on the advise of the nhs direct nurse and they said my throat was inflammed and my glands were swollen but my lungs and heart etc sounded fine. I had no temp or anything either x

02-06-13, 18:49
Spot-the-frog and Shivmarie, whilst I'm so sorry to hear you're suffering with this too, I'm also relieved to read it's not just me! In fact mine is exactly as Spot-the-frog has described theirs. I have a phone appt to discuss it with my GP tomorrow - he's probably seeing more of me than his wife at the moment, poor man!
I've had 2 lots of bloods tested since Feb, both clear and completely normal, he did breast exam on me, listened to my chest, back and stomach, felt my stomach and around the diaphragm area and declared all was fine, I was not presenting with anything concerning at all and that it is all due to anxiety.
I had a good few weeks but have been poorly again this week with the rib and upper abdominal pains, nausea, lack of appetite, etc. It's hard to remind yourself with HA that this is all part of your anxiety condition isn't it?
I've found exercising helps (I go to the gym 3 times a week now, did nothing before!) and I'm also reading "At Last A Life" by Paul David. Whilst it doesn't deal with HA directly, it does deal with anxiety and panic and shows you a route to a full recovery - I can highly recommend it. I wish you the very best of luck and full health very soon xx

02-06-13, 18:57
Thank you.
It's really strange isn't it? I had two lots of bloods done in April, ECG in April, just been checked out again heart and lungs etc sound fine. It's so baffling. I'm just going to try and keep on the paracetamol and ibrofprofen and see if that helps any. If not ill be back a the doctors as its not best comfortable.
I'm going to try the book you have recommended and see if that brings me any help.
I hope you both get sorted soon :-) x

02-06-13, 19:06
Thank you too :0)
Just bear in mind, if any of the pain seems to be coming from your stomach area (just below your left ribs), ibuprofen can often irritate the stomach so you might be best just sticking to the paracetamol for now.
Read the book, it's very good. He also has a website at anxietynomore.co.uk which is also worth a read. It's basically just about accepting that these symptoms are all part of the condition, that anxiety is a condition, NOT an illness and that you need to give your body and mind all the time it needs to recover - by battling to right yourself, you're just making it worse - your mind and body's nervous system need a break, not more pressure :0)
All the best xx

02-06-13, 19:07
It's the fact you can feel better one day and then awful the next. I am having a run of bad days at the moment with your exact symptoms shiv. The fear of a heart attack is so worrying, but this has gone on for over 8 months. When I think rationally, I surely would have had one by now. Also all the tests I had done a few months ago came back normal.

I am in constant pain in my left armpit, arm and chest. Muscular I am told by my GP. My anxiety levels fluctuate depending on the level of pain. The pain is real and without the physical symptoms I wouldn't be anxious. But it is anxiety that causes my muscular pain.

Chicken and egg, so round and round I go!!!!!!!

02-06-13, 19:52
That's exactly right Charlie! I'm the same, always questioning - is the pain causing the anxiety or is the anxiety causing the pain?
We have to trust our doctors and the test results and realise that, at this moment in time, we can't trust our minds I guess. It's hard work though isn't it?
I'm having a run of bad days too after a few weeks of feeling almost back to normal. Just have to remember it's a blip.

We need to keep letting ourselves heal - one day soon, we'll be better :0) xx

02-06-13, 20:26
I too had blood tests which all came back normal, my GP has referred me to a gastroenterologist just to check it out, though I told the doctor I don't think there is anything wrong other than muscular pain, but he said he wanted to check it out so I am not arguing with him.

Was also going to say take paracetamol rather than ibuprofen.

Hope we all get this sorted :yesyes:

02-06-13, 20:37
Keep us posted on how you get on Spot. I'll see what my GP says when I speak to him tomorrow.

02-06-13, 20:43
I too have chest rib and back pain, after numerous tests such as bloods and ecgs and xrays the doctor is now putting it down to costochondritis.

02-06-13, 21:30
I also suffer with costocondritis and was only diagnosed after I went to A&E thinking I was having a heart attack. I find it flares up when I have been sick, so the fact that you were vomitting probably hasn't helped.

I was told to have a hot bath and some ibuprofen and it would right itself and it did. Try not to worry (I know how stupid that sounds!) I would put money on you feeling better by the end of the week.

PM me if you need to chat x

02-06-13, 21:47
Thank you all so much, it's just really uncomfortable and I think, surely this s something major. It's also frustrating that last week I never thought about chest, yet this week my minds on it, oh yes the nhs nurse said to take paracetamol instead.
I know anxiety fuels it, but it can't be helped, the pain in the ass!
Do you think it's worth me seeing how I get on, as this was similar after I had an anxiety attack last time. Maybe I should Just try some Pastilles for the sore throat?
Thank you all! X

02-06-13, 21:53
I always try and say to myself..."I'll see how I am tomorrow" Most of the time my panic has subsided enough that I can rationalise my symptoms.

Take the pastilles if you think they are what you need, but just remember that nurses and doctors have told you that you are ok...x

02-06-13, 23:03
I too have pains in the left side just under the ribs. I know Ibuprofen can cause an ulcer and I must admit I do take not a lot of it but more than most. Last night I woke up at 2am in a panic from the sensation in my stomach (upper left side under the ribs). My dr too says there is nothing to worry about - I wish my brain would listen. I was thinking this morning that its possible its posture related??? I play my Sims game in the reclined position with the keyboard on my lap, I find that my sensations flare up after Im in that reclined position, when I play my game, Im usually on there for at least 2 hours. I wish I knew what it was, It drives me crazy with anxiety and panic. Im so tired today, I hate having panic attacks in the middle of the night then having to work the next day. :(

Catherine S
02-06-13, 23:14
Something I was told way back when, was that we have muscles absolutely everywhere, including the chest wall, and these muscles can be very painful if we suffer with anxiety because we tense ourselves alot and this affects all the muscles in our body (including the muscles of the eyes) so its not surprising that you have pain in your ribcage...hope you feel better soon :)

03-06-13, 09:05
thanks again!
i was on my way to work (waking up fine) and all of a sudden i started focusing on my breathing, it was so strange then i started feeling like i was gasping for breath for a few seconds, then it stopped again) im a rare smoker, tend to smoke a little when im anxious which obviously isnt helping but its convincing me now to quit altogether.
rib and throat pain dont seem as bad today though, hopefully its passing x

03-06-13, 19:16
Glad you're feeling a bit better today Shiv and *I still Believe*, you are spot on about the muscle aches!
I've just been to my GP, he's had a good feel of my stomach (as in just under my left ribs), diaphragm, liver, spleen and uterus. Says there is nothing there to alarm him at all, he thinks it is most likely to be a bit of gastritis - the stomach produces more acid when you're anxious and when you're not really eating (like I haven't been), it can inflame the stomach.
He also said to remember that, when anxiety is severe, your muscle tone changes completely and muscles can often be tense, even when we think they're relaxed and this can be ANY muscle, ANYWHERE in the body.
He's putting me in for an ultrasound scan to put my mind at rest but he's convinced it will show nothing.
Still got a twinge but feel better already! Stupid anxiety!

03-06-13, 21:01
I had a real rough day of it, my throat was so sore, my chest was tight etc, then my mum was telling me about what she suffers with after I was telling her how it was feeling she said it sounded very much like acid reflux as I was having stomach pain and excessive swallowing, a mixture if that and anxiety is not good. I'm going to make an appointment with the doc but my mums on meds for it, I also spoke to the pharmacy after work who said it sounded very hayfevery sort of thing so gave me some meds to try and see how I get on. I've never taken anything for it before as I didn't know I could get acid reflux so going to try some gaviscon and see if it makes any difference.
Hope your all feeling ok xx

04-06-13, 09:27
Sadly reflux and anxiety seem to go hand in hand! I have issues with chest and rib pain as well, but almost always find that when I press on where it hurts, it makes it worse. I've learned to do that whenever it happens as it reassures me that it's muscular and not my heart!

Hope you're feeling a bit better this morning! :) x

04-06-13, 10:07
Thanks Emily.
Im feeling ok, had no anxiety etc on the way to work, get to work start feeling that pain pain again, brought some Gaviscon on the way in so going to try that see if it helps any. Does anyone get it down there sides too? like side of their ribs? not a stick pain just abit of an ache?