View Full Version : A wee bit of progress

30-05-13, 12:43
Been reading stuff from positivepanicattacks.com over the last few days and tried out a few tips today. I have just taken the kids bowling and I knew because of the way i have been feelign this week it would cause a panic attack. I just kept telling myself that panic has never killed anyone and that the symtoms would pass. I did not sit down when i felp dizzy and i did not try and leave ASAP and get home which is my normal coping statergy. I felt uncomfortable but the anxiety was managable and did not get to full blown Panis attack which is what I was expecting. I think the methods on this website are good its just gonna take time to retrain my brain. I refuse to go back on meds FULL STOP!

30-05-13, 13:25
hey well done you panic attacks are horrible things your are doing well congrats

30-05-13, 13:32
well done, i did the same yesterday, the first time i was able to let it pass bar a few manic posts on here i was able to stay at work, not run for the hills, now anytime it flares just say, i beat you once and ill beat you again x

30-05-13, 13:35
This is the best thing I have read on panic. It just makes sooooo much sense!!!! I hope it works for me! I thnk it is liek the Linden method but free :)

http://www.positivepanicattacks.com/ebook.html (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=I.hgs&m=3ux3hHzx4Ybt6A4&b=xYjF.4PVYFY5oZJV8.zHgQ)

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:33 ----------

well done, i did the same yesterday, the first time i was able to let it pass bar a few manic posts on here i was able to stay at work, not run for the hills, now anytime it flares just say, i beat you once and ill beat you again x

EXACTLY I even told my anxiety today that it shoul dbe worried because i have had ENOUGH and i am takign control back! Its so hard but I honestly believe positive thought and understanding the fight and flight in u sall is key to recovery.

Also before i looked for coping methods now I am lookign for a cure! And i believe there is a cure! We dont have to live with this forever!