View Full Version : I am new

29-05-13, 15:30
Hello all,

I am new to this today. I am suffering from serious anxiety. I just had an anxiety attack (while at work). My shoulders feel like someone is sitting on them and now I'm SUPER tired. I seem to get totally drained after attacks. Does anyone else?

I dont know what else to do to get rid of this. I bought a book by Edward Bourne on dealing with Anxiety - didnt get rid of it. I'm in the process of weening off all my meds the doctors had me on (with doc's recommendation). Ive been on these meds for years now with no help. I dont know what to do anymore. I'm SO sick of this shit.

29-05-13, 16:18
oh i hear ya.

i've been suffering with OCD and some kind of HA for my entire life. The dr's tell me the best I can hope for is to "manage" it.

That's fine, I guess. But some days are better than others. Yesterday was worst of a bunch of bad days. Its a trend that tells me I should get back into therapy - which is fine too. I was in therapy for this 5 years ago and I got some help. But it didn't quite stick. I'm not sure why.

29-05-13, 16:43
I am CONSTANTLY thinking I am having a heart attack or am dying. The slightest discomfort in my arms or dizziness and thats it I'm convinced I am dying. I ALWAYS think I am done for. I had quit smoking for over three months and still didnt help. I started back up again (I know I know stupid).

I have a touch of the OCD as well. I clean my house on a daily basis. If ONE thing is out of place I feel like the ENTIRE house needs to be gone through and cleaned. Its effecting me and my family to a point where I'm afraid I"m pushing everyone away.

29-05-13, 17:07
I am CONSTANTLY thinking I am having a heart attack or am dying. The slightest discomfort in my arms or dizziness and thats it I'm convinced I am dying. I ALWAYS think I am done for. I had quit smoking for over three months and still didnt help. I started back up again (I know I know stupid).

I have a touch of the OCD as well. I clean my house on a daily basis. If ONE thing is out of place I feel like the ENTIRE house needs to be gone through and cleaned. Its effecting me and my family to a point where I'm afraid I"m pushing everyone away.

I'm forever interpreting "changes" in my body as something that's going to disable/kill me.

When I was a kid, if I bashed up my knee if figured I was going to limp forever. As I got older, it got worse. Thrush? AIDS. Purple spot on my skin? Kaposi sarcoma. Freckle? Melanoma. Lymph node I can feel? Lymphoma. Achy shoulder? Rotator cuff.

Originally, the way i managed this was to google statistics. I could convince myself that I "probably" fell in the (larger) percentage of people who are exhibiting something for some non lethal reason.

That's not working as well as it used to. I need to come up with another strategy. I know the incidence of disease increases as you get older. I've got to find some way to "deal" with that. I've been doing a lousy job over the last 6 years. I'm so tired of it.

29-05-13, 17:13
I do the same thing. Any slight change and I diagnose myself from the internet; then make an appointment. I convince myself that NONE of this is anxiety bc the feelings are SO real. Light headed, faint, heart POUDING or racing, feelings of drowing, tired etc. The list goes on and on.
I feel like its NEVER going to go away.

I'm sorry you are having a rough time. Does the forum help you at all? I know I"M not bieng much help....I am new today as I said. Has this helped even a little being on here?

29-05-13, 17:18
I do the same thing. Any slight change and I diagnose myself from the internet; then make an appointment. I convince myself that NONE of this is anxiety bc the feelings are SO real. Light headed, faint, heart POUDING or racing, feelings of drowing, tired etc. The list goes on and on.
I feel like its NEVER going to go away.

I know exactly what you mean.

I'm sorry you are having a rough time. Does the forum help you at all? I know I"M not bieng much help....I am new today as I said. Has this helped even a little being on here?

yes, the forum helps. its much better than dumping this on my wife. before i understood HA for what it is i badgered her with endless questions and what-ifs and on and on and on.

i can't do that to her.

29-05-13, 17:24
Does your wife understand what you go through? I find that my BF has a difficult time getting what I go through

29-05-13, 18:44
Does your wife understand what you go through? I find that my BF has a difficult time getting what I go through

my wife does the best she can. but I cannot go to her for reassurance. no amount is ever enough and its simply not fair to her.