View Full Version : health anxiety

28-05-13, 17:11
hi all i suffer with ocd and health anxiety,i had it for years but i seemed to calm down a bit but six months ago my dad died and now its back with a vengeance,i also get this feeling that i try to control my breathing im so scared.

28-05-13, 19:02
hi there sorry your ha and ocd are back bummer man delivers. sorry about your loss i can not imagine how hard it is, your breathing will be effected by panic and anxiety i get it and its horrible, i feel like i am going to pass out yuck. so how about some natural remedies if you are not on meds, st johns wort is good for depression as is fish oil hightening your mood may help you, camomile tea is good for calming you down, try and cut out caffine as much as you can its a stimulant so it does no good to us with panic and anxiety i hope that you get some joy from the panic soon blessings

29-05-13, 17:36
thank you for your reply i use to be on meds but now im not,i do take pills for my blood pressure though so i dont know if natural pills are ok with them i so hate feeling like this i also keep having indigestion and i keep getting myself worked up about it being something serious i wish we werent like this,anyway its nice to speak to someone that knows how this feels.:D

29-05-13, 19:53
Hi There,

I also suffer from HA and it drives me mad. Last few weeks I have had Panic attacks nearly every day which is not normal. I am startign to look into ways to finally tackle the problem as my current coping stagtagies are wrong, liek I will rush off hoem when I get an atatck instead of letting it wash over me (which i dont know how to do yet?) I think breathing is a big thing try some relaxation CD's as they teach you how to control your breathing. I know it is really hard to ignore what our monds are tellign us but the only way to stop HA and panic is to change the way you think. Have you tried CBT?


30-05-13, 05:43
hiya,i know what you mean its terrible especially when it happens at work i just dont know what to do.do you also get chest pains with it?
sorry to sound thick but what does cbt mean.

30-05-13, 08:43
Cognative behaviour therapy its a form of therapy that get you to change your thinking and your behavious. aLso I would recommend you look at positivepanicattacks.com and sign up for the ebook and you will find out WHY your mind is doign what it is and really help you belive there is no real health issues :)

Hope this helps

30-05-13, 19:32
thank you for your help,i will try out your suggestions and see what happens.
god bless :)