View Full Version : Horrible time

28-05-13, 12:04
at work today, keep mistyping stuff.
had nausea and that since i woke up today keeps coming and going, haven't been sick but feel like i want to be.
feel really lousy.
Everytime i mistype something i get really panicked like its something to do with my brain.

28-05-13, 16:43
Have a break for five minutes, have something to drink or have some fresh air and come back. Don't beat yourself up for those mistakes, I mistype all the time and I write novels. Thinking it's something wrong with your brain, which it certainly isn't, is only making you feel rubbish.

Get through the shift and look forward to going home.

28-05-13, 20:58
Hi rennie, thanks for your response.
I'm tucked up now after getting checked out at the walk in, everything coming back ok so nasty anxiety is playing up again. Sigh. :-(

28-05-13, 22:10
I'm glad everything's checked out OK and you're home. At least you know it's just the anxiety playing up. Tomorrow will be a new day :)

29-05-13, 11:36
yeah im feeling slightly better today, my sinus's and stuff are burning a treat today, trying not to get anxious though x

29-05-13, 13:25
I know exactly how you feel. I've got a spot on the corner of my mouth right side and I've had a little nervous twitch in my eye the last couple of days. Now I feel like my face is numb and cold but its not at all. It's warm and I can feel myself touching it, just another thing that my anxiety causes irrational thinking. As we all know as soon as you start wondering that's when your imagination runs wild.
Glad your feeling a little better. X

29-05-13, 13:52
Just had a lapse guys, walking out to get my lunch i keep thinking im floating, my hands, arms and legs and that now feel like jellylike and my ears feel like theyre humming. just ate something and got myself a can of coke trying to get some sugar in me.
i feel horrible. really horrible.