View Full Version : Tips for starting out on medication?

27-05-13, 14:11
I posted this under medication but I feel it's probably better suited here as the medication section seems to be more for people to discuss the medication that they are already on, sorry for the double post!


Hi all,
Hope everyone is enjoying the bank holiday weekend as much as can be.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips on starting up on medication? If anyone has seen my posts before you will know I'm absolutely terrified of medication and just can't get myself to take it! I've had anxiety for 6 years now and all the therapy in the world just hasn't helped so I'm now trying to come round to the idea of medication, problem is I used to have health anxiety and I've never taken a tablet in my life!

I'm worried about taking the first one, I know I'm going to panic straight after knowing I can't reverse it. I'm getting anxious now just thinking of it.
On top of this I'm super worried about all the horrible side effects I've heard about. Because I've had health anxiety I also worry about long term effects, basically I worry about anything to do with taking tablets!

So, does anyone have any suggestions on how to go about taking the first one?

Thanks in advance :smile:

27-05-13, 14:30
Hi Jasmin, which meds have you been prescribed? I understand it must be hard starting meds when you have health anxiety. One thing I can suggest is that you cut them in half for the first few days (assuming they're tablets rather than capsules) so your body can get used to them more easily, and then gradually increase the dose. Many people on here have found that technique helpful.

27-05-13, 14:36
hi jasmin i feel the same as you. im so afraid to take meds. the dr prescribed me prozac and im terrified to take them. there also capsules so i cnt half them. sorry im not much help but ur not alone

27-05-13, 14:38
hi jasmin i feel the same as you. im so afraid to take meds. the dr prescribed me prozac and im terrified to take them. there also capsules so i cnt half them. sorry im not much help but ur not alone

Hi, did you get my reply to your other post last night? I put some links to info about the Cranzac method, which is a way of reducing the starting side effects.