View Full Version : Anyone suffer from stupid or scary thoughts?

26-05-13, 09:22
This still plagues me even though my panic attacks and general anxiety has subsided greatly.

What I mean by this is for example I was watching a TV game show the other night, someone won a hot air balloon ride, they were all very excited, I thought to myself I'd never do that, what if I jumped out. I have the same issue going over bridges, what if I jumped over? its for this reason I avoid travel aswell, I've never been on an aeroplane for example, what If I freaked out and had a panic attack and tried to open the doors to jump out? I know I'd never do any of this stuff but still it scares me and so I avoid all these things.

26-05-13, 10:47
Yes, had all those type of thoughts.

Sometimes I've had thoughts of wanting to give a real hard slap across the face of my best mate - God knows why I thought that. It's crackers. Or when I'm driving at 70mph think I wonder what would happen if I suddenly jerked the wheel to the left or the right, or decide to walk onto the railway as a train is coming when you're waiting at some barriers. Oh yes, been there, got the t-shirt.

Nothing to worry about. I wonder how many "normal" people get those thoughts and don't even tell anyone.

Shall we jump off the bridge together?

26-05-13, 10:50
It's very common. I can't go near cliffs because I feel I would just jump. And sometimes I want to hurt or snog one of my friends, both weird and unneccessary. These thoughts show we have a healthy mind.

26-05-13, 10:51
BTW, I've sent you a private msg

26-05-13, 11:19
Yes, had all those type of thoughts.

Sometimes I've had thoughts of wanting to give a real hard slap across the face of my best mate - God knows why I thought that. It's crackers. Or when I'm driving at 70mph think I wonder what would happen if I suddenly jerked the wheel to the left or the right, or decide to walk onto the railway as a train is coming when you're waiting at some barriers. Oh yes, been there, got the t-shirt.

Nothing to worry about. I wonder how many "normal" people get those thoughts and don't even tell anyone.

Shall we jump off the bridge together?

Yes thats what I wonder, are these thoughts normal? does everyone have them? Of course no one would ever admit to them if you asked them though.

26-05-13, 11:36
hello all I have the same thing all the time really horrible thoughts as well but its like a voice in my head or I think it is sometimes im not even thinking about what im about to get in my head I would never have put this on because what of people might think of me they could think im mad but I know im not its just something that's come with health anxiety I hope ha ha but seeing these posts have made me feel a bit better .

26-05-13, 16:52
I reckon "normal" people do have these thoughts, but because they do not have anxiety, they don't worry about them and feel no need to discuss them. I wish there was a better word for "normal"...unaffected?

26-05-13, 18:56
I reckon everyone use have this at some point but there are probably "normal" people who wouldn't admit it (oh I just realised you said that, shakey).
Sam, the bit about freaking in a plane, although I worry about that I do still fly. I wondered too at times if I'd try to open the door. Sometimes I wonder if anyone else would.
Oh I did the London Eye & noticed the door & worried abut accidentally opening it.
I also have odd thoughts about stabbing my partner, not that I would and I have told her. We laugh about it.
Pancho, I'm with you on the clifftop thing.
I feel that everyone has these random thoughts. Generally speaking i don't apply much importance to them. No point really as they are indeed just random.