View Full Version : Wondering how to reply to a text?

20-05-13, 10:27
I've had a text from an old colleague - we got on really well. He was made redundant a year ago, but came back on a freelance basis now and then and we've always kept in touch. I became ill in February and took a lot of time off work but then I was made redundant in April as the company has no work at all. He knows I wasn't very well, but we've left it at that.

Anyway he's just texted saying how are you, how's life after working for the company. If I tell him the truth - I'm feeling really crap at the moment and practically agoraphobic, he'll be shocked and word will get round. My gut instinct is to say - I'm doing ok, just taking some time out at the moment. That doesn't seem so bad does it?

20-05-13, 11:39
No, It doesn't.
But you are Not obligated to explain yourself to anyone.
Only do what You feel comfortable with. If you keep it to a minimum, you don't run the risk of Awkward questions you are not ready to tackle with this person.
I agree, keep it short, friendly and vague. :hugs:

20-05-13, 11:46
I agree with Ladybug, it is up to you what you tell him, you don't need to tell him everything. I have told my family and a couple of close friends, I don't want everyone to know how I am at the moment.