View Full Version : constant hunger on new meds !!!!!

10-05-13, 18:48
Ahhhhrrrr..holly S--t...since being on Olanzipine 5mg..i cant stop eating heavy..i never feel full and just cant stop bloody eating..and all crap foods to..which i think are making me feel tired and slugish,and maybe even a bit depressed..as from last sep i lost 4 stone in weight over 5 months and never felt better for it..so dont want to put it back..well iv put on 3/4 of a stone allready since iv been on this drug...i dont want to get big again i worked so hard ..but ijust cant fight this feeiling of constant hunger..im consuming lots..but this olanzipine is helping my sleep...i dont know what to do..my doc said they are know for making you hungry and diabities..any advice

10-05-13, 19:04
Would your doctor be able to refer you to a dietician to advise you on the best foods to make you feel full but not put on much weight? We can't win can..things start getting better in one way then it affects something else :)

10-05-13, 21:20
I get this with some of the medications I take, it's a damned nuisance. I have put a couple of stone on over the last year.

Get rid of any chocolate, crisps and non healthy snacks, so when you need to eat it is something low calorie and healthy. Soup and toast, beans on toast - no butter. replace chips or potato with vegetables. Have a look on the net for low calorie meals.


10-05-13, 21:20
I had this when I first started Mirt. It was good to begin with as I'd lost a lot of weight and wasn't eating properly at all, but I have put of a hell of a lot of weight since. I seem to have levelled out now, but I know it's going to be difficult to lose. I've been snacking on nuts and fruit and try and drink more water as that tends to fill me up :)

10-05-13, 22:48
Yeer wat a pain..i just got back from the cinema..and scoffed a massive bag of popcorn a big bag of penuts and a kitcat..ahhh..afyer my big dinner..really hard to fight.as im just not feeling full.

10-05-13, 23:06
Would your doctor be able to refer you to a dietician to advise you on the best foods to make you feel full but not put on much weight? We can't win can..things start getting better in one way then it affects something else :)

I agree with Annie, the best thing to do would be see a dietician to advise you. For example a lot of the high sugar foods will just fill you for a shot time and then fall away...so you get hungry quickly! Its all to do with the glycemic index. Try googling it to give you an initial idea maybe?

Good luck x

11-05-13, 02:45
Hi i get this on olanzapine too but its got easier as times gone on and Im not raiding the chocolate cupboard at night anymore! although i do have to be strict with myself as an hour after taking the tablet Im sometimes absolutely starving! X x

11-05-13, 11:37
Nicola..how long was you on it before the hunger stoped....i seem to get my hunger more at night than in the daytime !! Yet i take my olanzipine at night.before bed.so i would have thought id be hungre in the daytime and not evening when the tablet is wering of..any ideas

11-05-13, 12:29
Hi Greg it took a while and alot of will power on my part to stop the munchies, to start with i just stuffed my face but now Im strict with myself as could feel the weight creeping up, its only nights i get hungry too yet i take a split dose morning and night? X x

11-05-13, 13:44
Thanks Nicola..ill have to be strict if i can..wat dose are u on..? Dose it help with u anxiety

11-05-13, 14:33
Im on 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5mg at night but hopefully cutting down to just 2.5mg at night soon, i find it does help my anxiety but I've recently had my ADs increased so hoping to lower the dose of olanzapine x x