View Full Version : Late pregnancy and feeling very unwell

26-04-13, 21:57
Hiya and thanks for taking the time to read.
I'm 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and my anxiety has been fine all through my pregnancy. I was hoping that I had managed to beat the anxiety as I have not really had any problems with it for a few years. However today it has really hit me hard and I thought that maybe posting on here would set my mind a rest.
This is my first baby and other then being anemic (brought on by pregnancy) I have not had any other problems...other then the dreaded morning sickness. But I'm having some horrible things happen recently and I'm very scared about them.
1. Difficulty breathing. I no this is common in late pregnancy due to baby being tucked up under ribs and pushing lungs up. But it only really gets me if I sit with my back against wall or bed etc. It's just a horrible sensation and it scares me. It also didn't help that I consulted Dr google :( and now think I have a number of illnesses.
2. A strange soapy taste in my mouth. Looked on google and it said that this taste is commonly associated with fluoride poisoning.I recently had some dental problems and over did it with the toothpaste and mouth wash!!
3. Ear ache, headaches and pain under my ribs. Again rib pain i'm sure is common but it's also a sign on pre eclampsia as are the headaches. I very rarely get headaches and have frequently had them this past week.

I actually had to go to A&E last Saturday as whilst I was attending a birth preparation class at the hospital I was very unwell. The midwife sent me to A&E to see the doctor and he says I have a nasty Viral infection. I'm still very feverish and tired and the ear ache is apparently tied to this. But I still do not feel any better and doubt what he told me is correct. Half of me is justifying all of this down to the fact that I am in my final pregnancy stages and of course I'm going to be run down but the other half is telling me this is not normal and Iv'e got something very wrong with me. Thanks again for taking the time and any advice would be great x

26-04-13, 22:06
Google always gives worst case scenarios.
In your late stages of pregnancy and with a viral infection you can't really expect to feel at your best. I am sure all your symptoms are related to this but mention them at your next appointment with your midwife or GP. Only a few more weeks to go and you will have your lovely baby. Do you know if it is a girl or boy? xx

26-04-13, 22:12
I no it was silly to google it but I just couldn't help myself! We are having a little Girl! Over the moon. Yes just a few more weeks and I can't wait to meet her :D

26-04-13, 22:23
Aww how lovely Hannah. It is so exciting getting everything ready for the arrival. Rest and relax as much as you can over the next few weeks and then enjoy the time with your precious little girl xx