View Full Version : Horrid Panic Attack

17-04-13, 22:51
I am very sad and dicouraged.
I have been taking citalopram for almost 5 weeks now and I just realized today that what I have been having has been Anxiety rather than Panic because today I had a "Real Panic Attack" that I had not had for ages.
I was asleep taking a nap and I woke up and upon waking I had the most intense burning sensation on my torso.
It was very intense and felt like my skin was burning. I have had this before but not this intense for a long time.
I was reminded of how horrible Panic is. I was also alone in the house.
I felt very discouraged about the medication working.
I had just started reading the first booklet of CBT4 Panic.
I thought the feeling was horrendous, how will I learn not to be scared of the next attack after this?
The worse part is that I don't know if the medication is making me feel better or worse...
If I stop taking it I may feel worse but if I don't quit I may feel worse too. I don't know.... Anyone in the same boat?

17-04-13, 23:04
it takes around a month for citalapram to really kick in, what you have to do is learn form this and learn how to control your panic attack,if possible,have someone on standby to be able to be with you at the click of a button. its not nice at all panic attacks,but hopefully you will be able to control them,thats if it happens again,try nt to think it will happen otherwise your just bring it on prematurely,hope this helps in any way :hugs:

17-04-13, 23:11
I have been there with Citalopram. I was thinking the same thing:

'If I stop taking it I may feel worse but if I don't quit I may feel worse too'

The answer is - keep taking it. Once you've started, it's not a good idea to stop unless the side effects are REALLY bad. It takes some time to adjust and to get on the right dose.

A couple of months into taking Citalopram I was sure I was going to kill myself, so I went to the doctor and told him I was scared that I was going to end my life, and he gave me some tranquillisers which helped - I was in a pretty extreme state.
If things get extreme you can always go and seek more help.

Always take the Citalopram pill, as you have been instructed to take it, and don't come off it without talking to your doctor about it first. If you don't take it, things could get worse.

If you do take it, things could get better. If you're on it already, it's worth taking the chance that it will get better. See the course of medication through.

Keep a record of your symptoms if you can and that way you can see over time the effects of the meds. I used to score out of 10 how I felt every day, and which anxiety/depression symptoms I had every day, in a big table that I drew up every few weeks. That helped me.

18-04-13, 00:16
Thank you for the replies.
Do you guys get this horrible skin burning sensation?
If you do how do you cope?
I love my kids and I just want to get better to enjoy them fully.....
Lior: After those 2 months did it get better for you on Citalopram?
Were you able to stop taking the tranquilizers and what kind were you taking?