View Full Version : Going to need plenty of people to talk the next 2 days...

15-04-13, 16:50
So my Dr confirmed I have 3 tiny petechiae rashes today, two on my back (left side and right side) and one on my waist line.

The waist line is pretty easy to diagnose, simply because my trousers were so tight and they caused pressure on my waist. But the back petechiae can't be explained.

He begged me to have a blood test because he wants me to be 100% reassured, he said I can send you away and say you're okay but I know you will worry.

I had the blood test and the results are coming in on Wednesday morning, luckily My Dr is spectacular. I was in tears in his office saying how terrified I am, he has said to me that the internet says everything is bad when in reality petechiae is very common and even he probably has it if he looked hard enough. He said because of your blood test 3 months ago that's enough to reassure me, I am certain it's going to come back normal.

My anxiety is out of control at the minute, I've been crying for over an hour at the possibility of having Leukaemia, it's absolutely terrifying. Although treatable it's a long and tiring road to go down to recovery and thanks to my mental health I just don't think I could do it, if I'm like the without my greatest fear what would I be like with it?

The next day and a half are going to be rancid hell, but luckily I have my boyfriend with me and you guys to keep me company (plus my Dr chucked me some Diazepam to help sleep lol ;) )


15-04-13, 17:00
Hi your doctor is right petechiae can be a common thing and people in good health can get it, It's a bit like splinter hemorrhages under the nails it is a very common thing but when you search the internet it is all doom and gloom.

If you had blood tests done 3 months ago and that was clear that is a good thing and now he is just doing more to put your mind at ease.

Understand things like petechiae on there own do not add upto Leukaemia or anything else.