View Full Version : Stressed and worried over selling house

14-04-13, 21:40
Due to various issues (not liking the area, industrial noise, which only seems to bother me) we are looking to move house. I'm now super stressed that the house won't sell and we will be stuck here. There was some noise this afternoon from the local industry and it made me angry/worried that no one would buy the place. In reality the noise isn't that bad (neighbours aren't bothered by it) but it really winds me up. Guess I'm noise sensitive.

Having been off the meds since November, I'm thinking I need to go back on them. I was on citalopram but it seemed to burn out, then fluxotine which gave me rotten stomach ache. I was going to go on Venlafaxine but the side effects scared me so I didnt try it, I just stopped taking anything. In the last month the stress/anxiety and feeling down is really building up again. I have a months supply of Venlafaxine, I don't know whether to take them or see the doc first.

Anyone suggest anything? Venlafaxine worth a go? Other meds you can suggest?

14-04-13, 21:46
selling your house is so stressfull. i had mine on the market last year due to the people who live next door. i felt like crying everyday.