View Full Version : dizzy, head pressure, uneasy

14-04-13, 14:50

it coming up to two weeks now that im suffering with the feeling of dizziness. its not always the typical drunk dizzy feeling, sometimes its like a pulsating in and around an area from my forehead , eyes, nose and mouth, sometimes its like it just my eyes and i feel i need to close them or squint. whatever sensation im feeling its making me feel uneasy. my balance does not seem to be affected to much, its just unnerving feeling like your head is swimming or foggy.

is this my nervous system taking a battering? and will it go away? i wake up and the first thought is how is my dizziness, i go to work and always thinking about my dizziness i go to bed and think about my dizziness. im quite scared of this feeling.

14-04-13, 20:58
hope you feel better soon, dizzyness is horrible. i have to go to bed untill it stops

15-04-13, 22:16
I have been having this same thing for about a month and it was really worrying me, thinking how can I wake up dizzy, every time I stood up I was dizzy then i found that i was second guessing myself before I got up to see if I would be dizzy this time. Also had/have the foggyness too! So in true anxiety form I have been to the doctors about 10times in the last 3weeks and the results at the moment are mainly that the dizzyness is due to anxiety and stress levels and I didn't believe the doctor at first but as my anxiety is starting to get better my dizzyness is too. I also have labrinthitus and low iron levels too so that another reason for mine.

Long story short I like you was so scared at the dizzyness but it really is a sign of anxiety and the more you think about it the more it will happen but I know very well that's easier said than done.

Hope that helps a bit