View Full Version : Anxiety or something else

13-04-13, 11:45
Been really bad the last couple of days, feel tight around my rib cage and feel like my heart is racing. Sometimes feel I can not get a full breath as well. Trying to take my mind of it. Hoping it is just my anxiety :-(

13-04-13, 12:13
Been really bad the last couple of days, feel tight around my rib cage and feel like my heart is racing. Sometimes feel I can not get a full breath as well. Trying to take my mind of it. Hoping it is just my anxiety :-(

It's not unusual too feel like this with anxiety! The tension in your body can cause the breathing problems, and the different stress chemicals in your body can cause the heart tacing.

The best thing you can do is learn to accept these feelings and learn some relaxation methods to turn down the anxiety.

That said, if these symptoms are unusual for you then it might be good to talk to your doctor about the racing heart. Has it happened to you bedore? And have you been very anxious in the last little while?

13-04-13, 16:30
Thanks for your reply. I have been very stressed lately, I did a relaxation app this afternoon and I relaxed so much I fell asleep.

It's a weird feeling, like I am really nervous. Went out for a walk and I did not collapse so hoping it is just my HA anxiety and me focusing on my heart.

13-04-13, 20:17
That's awesome about the relaxation app! You should try to make a little time to do that every day, it will benefit you in a major way. I've been meditating every morning and it's really helping. Now I'm learning about mindfulness to bring myself into the present and stop inventing a future to worry about!

Ae you doing anything else to help manage your anxiety?

It really does sounds like your stress is bringing this on, so learning to tackle it should help how you feel. When I get very stressed my heart does funny things too, it races and jumps, when that starts happening I take it as a cue that I really need to work on some stress relief.

16-04-13, 17:08
Well it all got the better of me on Sunday and I ended up in the walk in centre. Had my bp taken and a ecg all fine. Even though I felt like my heart would explode. Getting reassurance from the Nurse worked for a while but now it is back....HA Sucks. I am doing my relaxation app and trying not to stress.

23-04-13, 19:01
Back from the doctors. He said my heart is fine and that there was nothing to worry about on the heart trace and did a quick pulse check and said that was fine also. He said it may be the flouxertine as I have been on 40mg for the last three years, so he is halved my dose for a month to see how I get on. Still can hear/feel the heart but trying to ignore it.