View Full Version : Weird feeling/fatigue/drowsiness...normal?

12-04-13, 23:37
My health journey is a long one (too long to write here) but I finally decided to go on sertraline for general anxiety in hopes of it solving some problems.

I started yesterday at 6pm. 50mg once a day is what I'm starting at.

About an hour after I took it I immediately felt very weird and tired/drowsy/lethargic/foggy...just kind of out of it. I also had some diarrhea.

I went to sleep thinking I could sleep it off, but when I woke up I felt exactly the same and right now (a full 24 hours later) I still feel the same.

I plan on taking it right before I go to bed tonight.

Is this normal or at least something that can happen? Will it go away after my body gets used to it or is this how it will always be? My doctor didn't mention this feeling as a symptom that's why I'm a little concerned.

I appreciate any help!
Thank you

NE21 worrier
13-04-13, 11:36

Yes, I would say this is pretty normal based on my short experience on Sertraline (10 days, also at 50mg). At times, I've felt completely exhausted or, at the least, v lethargic. I've got a thread here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=133081&page=2) which has ended up being a bit like a diary of my early days on Sertraline.

Anyway, some days are good, but some days are bad and I just want to sleep them away. It is early days, though, and I think you've got to be willing to give it a chance.
