View Full Version : Don't see any way out of this :(

12-04-13, 13:59
It just gets worse and worse I feel awful today. I got a bit more sleep last night thanks to a large dose of klonopin prescribed by my psychologist, but I've found out how addictive it is and don't want to take it any more as you can get seizures and death from stopping it and rebound insomnia which is what I'm taking it for from another drug. I don't even know how to get through each day, I'm so tired and just freak out the whole time, I cry inconsolably a lot of the time and just want to curl up in a ball. I went to my GP who wanted to put me in hospital but he rang my psych first who said no put me on the klonopin and I'm to see him next week. I don't want to swap this one addiction I'm trying to kick - the olanzapine, for another more deadly addiction - the klonopin so I'm kind of stuck knowing what to do.

I don't see how I'm going to escape this or how I'm ever going to get a good night's sleep again. My bed has become my enemy I hate going there each night as my fractured sleep makes me feel ill and spacey the whole night and is magnifying my HA hugely. I think there's something wrong with me all the time, little lumps and bumps, weird insane things I wouldn't normally notice I keep finding and thinking are something wrong with me. I'm driving my family up the wall. I don't see my psych until tuesday but don't know if I can last out that long without my sanity going, I just don't know what to do.

12-04-13, 14:09
Do you do any relaxation or exercise at all?

Both of these can really help with anxiety.

Even just going out for a walk may help lift your spirits.

You may not feel like it but it does work!

12-04-13, 15:21
When someone is in this much of an anxious state. I am sorry but 'walking' is not going to help.

12-04-13, 15:37
I don't agree with pp it's amazing what fresh air and a little walk can do.

12-04-13, 16:01
I totally agree with the relaxation techniques, works wonders. Maybe you could take the klonopin every third night, it would help when the tiredness builds up but wouldn't be enough to make addictive? X

13-04-13, 00:57
Thank you for your replies.
Unfortunately the insomnia isn't anxiety insomnia I can actually relax quite well when I go to bed and even get to sleep I just wake up every twenty minutes or so then have trouble getting back to sleep. It's a withdrawal side effect from giving up olanzapine and is a well known side effect from stopping the drug. Unfortunately it can last weeks or even months forcing a lot of people to give in and go back on the drug. The klonopin helped me sleep a little but still didn't give me a good nights sleep and that was on 1mg which is quite a high first dose.
It's been nearly two weeks since I stopped taking the olanzapine and there is no sign of my sleeping pattern improving in any way, I'm terrified that it's never going to return to normal, I don't think I can go on much longer with this sleeping pattern, the actual sleep feels weird not like normal sleep when I get it and I feel very spaced out and odd when I wake. It was the same when taking the klonopin. I'm worried that I've permanently damaged my brain with olanzapine.

13-04-13, 01:10
I don't sleep well at all and I don't take any drugs

You should try some relaxation and exercise though as natural remedies for anxiety and sleep

13-04-13, 06:45
I agree, although you might believe that the insomnia is only due to the medication, ccertainly your high levels of anxiety will be adding to it. When I had insomnia due purely to anxiety I fell asleep fine but would then wake up and be unable to sleep again, so this pattern is common with anxiety as well, also you were worried before you came off the drug that it would cause insomnia so that anxiety is going to perpetuate the withdrawal insomnia. I have found that if I plug in a relaxation mp3 the minute I wake, it stops me lying there worrying about not sleeping. I think you have to take some steps to give you back some of the power, as right now the medication has it all. Any self help measures you can take, or natural treatments like acupuncture or massage will counteract the effects of the medication and support and strengthen your body and mind as you go through this difficult time.

13-04-13, 09:21
Is there a reason why you are coming off the drug? I know many people on this site are against medication but for me it is a life saver. Taking the citalopram makes me want to go out and see people and walk etc. Without it I would just get worse and worse. I know because I did try coming off and that is what happened.

13-04-13, 09:28
I think the drug Eek is talking about is an anti psychotic which isn't meant for long term use.

13-04-13, 09:29
Is there a reason why you are coming off the drug? I know many people on this site are against medication but for me it is a life saver. Taking the citalopram makes me want to go out and see people and walk etc. Without it I would just get worse and worse. I know because I did try coming off and that is what happened.

The drug affects blood sugar levels and cholesterol and isn't good to take long term. My blood sugar is borderline so my doc wanted me off the drug. It's not my only med I'm also on Fluvoxamine (Luvox) which is an SSRI

13-04-13, 10:01
Im sort of in a kind of situation myself with diazepam , my gp was happy to prescribe it on repeat prescription for 4 years 10-20mg... from cutting down last June to ending it all in November my anxiety has hit the roof , ive gone from 16 -21 days from not taking any ,but now im on my 33rd day and im soo arghh needing one , my trouble is waking up also and being unable to go back to sleep ,then panicing how im going to make it through the day with less sleep than day before . My mind wanders and plays games with itself .
I found when i wake , if i cant turn over and get back to sleep , GET UP ! come downstairs ,make cuppa chocolate , read or listen to music ,go on the laptop and when feeling sleepy if sleeping on the settee its better than not sleeping at all .
And if im tired through the day as long as ive set my schedule of get up at 7am every morning and going to bed at 1030pm ,if i find myself sleepy after 3pm ,il take a nap but not after 5pm or il have trouble getting to sleep .
I think im trying to explain ,of getting into a routine ....i hope this helps .
And as through the day setting goals of what i need to do ,if its to shop,clean,etc and have my time out ! for hr a day ...i think this helps xx