View Full Version : Would really love as much advice as possible!

11-04-13, 10:51
Hi everyone, it's been a while.

So my current obsession is two things, Leukaemia and nasal cancer. Being 20 the nasal cancer is obviously very silly thing to be worried about, but I'll tell you why in a minute.

So back in October I had a terrible allergy attack, like I had a horrible cold for 3 weeks, I eventually tried some anti allergy pills and amazingly within 2 hours the cold was gone. Well I was taking the pills everyday and suddenly started to get a strong taste of blood, I told my Doctor and he said it's allergies, I left it at that. In January I went for a blood test to be tested for Underactive thyroid and Anemia but all my blood work came back PERFECT.

So if we jump to now, I'm currently having a terrible feeling of having phlegm constantly caught in my throat, it's hard to bring it up but when it does come up eventually it will just be replaced with more, sometimes there is blood. Every morning my snot coming out my nose and my throat will be yellow and the snot from my nose will have a line of blood in it. The blood appearing has been happening for 2 months, though it has improved, I kept getting bits of blood everytime I blow my nose, now it happens once a day. I worry about nasal cancer because the bleeding never 100% stops, what if I have a sore in my nose that won't heal? :( Sometimes I wake up and my nose is very dry to the point its actually crusted and sore in both sides (also both sides show blood, but the right side is worse).

My fear of Leukaemia is because of the nose bleeds and because I've noticed bruises on my shin appear quite often (right side only). Though they are small and have so far had an explanation for all of them, it still scares me because I don't usually bruise easily or so I thought. My boyfriend said he always notices little marks on me and has done since he met me (3 years ago) so I guess I just bruise easily? I'm naturally very pale and very slim. When I do bleed the bleeding stops immediately, doesn't leukaemia cause bleeding for hours?

Would bruises appear all over my body, not just the shin?
Would they last longer then 5 - 7 days?
Would there be more then 2 at a time?

I had a blood test in January which came back perfect, just thought I'd remind everyone again.
Hoping someone can reassure me :(

11-04-13, 11:07

I posted recently about exactly the same sinus issues you are having and I was worried about sinus cancer, I went to the doctors and they said it's just sinus issues and to inhale with steam twice a day to keep the nose hydrated and it will help clear any congestion etc.

I am still a bit worried but having posted on here lots of people are experiencing this and it has helped to calm me down as we can't all be dying!

As for the bruises I've also had a HA attack over this before (there's not many things I haven't panicked about over the years) I went to the doctors as I kept getting bruises on my legs and couldn't work out how I'd got them, he actually laughed and said that the kind of bruises they worry about are huge blue/purple bruises which come from nowhere with no explanation he said they are usually about the size of the bottom of a mug and the little bruises I had where just from knocks and bumps I couldn't remember. He also said the bruises to be concerned about tend to appear in places you wouldn't normally get bruises whereas the legs are an obvious place because they do constantly knock into things.

I don't think you have anything to worry about with regards to the bruises especially as you had clear bloods etc. As for the nasal cancer search on here for sinus posts and I'm sure you'll find plenty of people with your symptoms who have had them a very long time.

Take care

11-04-13, 11:11
Thank you Munchlet, you've just made my day so much brighter :)