View Full Version : Changing my mind about everything!!!

10-04-13, 20:46
Hi Guys,

I have a problem that has been worrying me for sometime now and was just wondering if anyone can relate to it?? Since as far back as I can remember i've wanted to be everything (occupation) and still can't seem to make up my mind, literally every week it changes to something different, i'm 24 now and looking to be an accountant and can guarantee by next week that will change to wanting to be a solicitor or something else!! It has become increasingly worrying because I actually become convinced I want to do these things and sign up for them only having changed my mind the week after. It's not just job related though, it could be literally anything i.e. which style of clothing should i get wear, which type of girl should I go for?? It's actually quite scary because I don't to be 30 years down the line still thinking hmm what job should I do!! Does anyone know if there is any counselling for this or could it just be that i haven't found myself yet?? Some help pleaseee!!!!!!!

10-04-13, 21:03

I'm not sure I can help but I do know that this is pretty common. There's a theory that anxiety can be caused by too much choice as the brain gets overwhelmed by options and absorbing information, trying to do the right thing. Afterwards, it then dwells on whether the choice was right after all.

I was reading about someone who became highly anxious trying to decide which sauce to put on a beef sandwich. It may sound trivial to us but I guess many of us will understand the feeling behind it.
