View Full Version : Hospital nerves!

10-04-13, 12:43
Hi All :)

I just wanted to get this off my chest, a couple of days ago my step daughter fell off her bike and is pretty banged up. She has been complaining since of aches and pains but today her chest is hurting quite badly.
I called my doctors surgery to try and get her an appointment but they said to take her to A&E so I'm waiting now for a lift to take her up there.

I'm getting quite anxious now for a couple of reasons,
1) I hate hospitals and don't want to go into full panic attack mode there!
2) I know it's probably just bruising but what if its something else more serious!
3) I was ill in this hospital a few years ago and will have to walk past the ward I was on, the operating room I was operated on, and the A&E department where the ambulance took me to and just the thought of being there is really making me feel anxious/on edge.

Any advice or support would be great.
Thanks for reading :hugs: to all xx

10-04-13, 12:52
Hi Bekzie,

Do you have a walk in centre in your area or maybe a minor injuries clinic? Have a look online and see. Maybe going somewhere not as big might not cause as much anxiety for you.

If you do go to a&e take your phone with you and mess around on that while you're waiting it might help to distract any negative thoughts.

Fingers crossed you're in and out quickly and your step daughter is okay. Let us know how you get on xx

10-04-13, 13:15
Go to A&E. A walk in centre may not have the ability to perform the tests you need and may waste your time.

Regarding your anxiety. Tell the staff how you're feeling. Focus on your step daughter. It's likely it is only bruising but best to make sure. I'm a nurse and I have anxiety - there are a lot of us who do - ultimately it makes us better nurses and I would ensure I reassured you at each stage of you being there. I hope everything goes well for you. Remember, while you're there there will always be a member of staff that you can talk to if you need ANYTHING - that's what we're there for. You will never be alone and the people there only want to make things better for both you and your step daughter. Despite what the papers say, we do care. And if there's anything we can do to make things easier for you, please let us know. Good luck xx

10-04-13, 13:16
Thanks Bernie good advice about keeping my phone out. I wish we had a drop in medical center it would make me a little happier! But unfortunately it's a trip to the hospital. I'm going to keep this site open on my phone too :blush:

10-04-13, 13:29
Hope everything turns out ok for you Bekzie,and your stepdaughter is ok too.
Good advice from Rachy :hugs:

10-04-13, 13:49
Go to A&E. A walk in centre may not have the ability to perform the tests you need and may waste your time.

Regarding your anxiety. Tell the staff how you're feeling. Focus on your step daughter. It's likely it is only bruising but best to make sure. I'm a nurse and I have anxiety - there are a lot of us who do - ultimately it makes us better nurses and I would ensure I reassured you at each stage of you being there. I hope everything goes well for you. Remember, while you're there there will always be a member of staff that you can talk to if you need ANYTHING - that's what we're there for. You will never be alone and the people there only want to make things better for both you and your step daughter. Despite what the papers say, we do care. And if there's anything we can do to make things easier for you, please let us know. Good luck xx

Thank you Rachey that has made me feel a lot better I appreciate your advice. Thank you again :)

---------- Post added at 13:49 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ----------

Hope everything turns out ok for you Bekzie,and your stepdaughter is ok too.
Good advice from Rachy :hugs:

Thank you magic :hugs:

10-04-13, 16:26
Hope all is ok Bekzie :hugs:

10-04-13, 17:47
Thanks Bernie :hugs:
Back home now. My step daughter had bruised her chest muscles quite badly but there is nothing the hospital could do so I just have to dose her up with ibuprofen.

I managed to stay calm after a shaky start but went and got a drink in the cafe and it passed, glad I managed to stay without running off panicking and it just shows I can do it!!

Thank you all for the support and advice :hugs:

10-04-13, 18:07
Really pleased for you! That's a big achievement! Hope the staff looked after you both xx

10-04-13, 18:20
Well done. Remember this the next time you're feeling you can't do something! :) you're stronger than you think

11-04-13, 00:08
Really pleased you managed to cope with this.

I hope your step-daughter will be feeling better soon, glad it's nothing too serious.

11-04-13, 08:36
Well done Bekzie, Glad you got through the time at the hospital and your stepdaughter is ok apart from the bruising. Hope she goes on ok:)

12-04-13, 00:10
Hi Bekzie.
Sorry to hear that your step daughter had her fall. Well done you for conquering you anxiety. :yahoo:
Next time should be a little easier if/when you need to do it again..

12-04-13, 00:16
Thanks everyone, all the support and advice really helped me :D