View Full Version : New here and so worried about potential Brain Tumour + Bradycardia

08-04-13, 20:04
Over the last few weeks I keep feeling sick and getting headaches, it usually happens not that long after getting up! I also keep feeling slightly off balance and feeling lightheaded, I had a Doctor up A&E have a good look at my eyes but they couldn't see anything, I've had a recent eye test and they couldn't see anything despite me having floaters in my eyes over the last few weeks.

I also feel weak and tired a lot.

But today I had am Endoscopy and when I came round my heart rate was 43 which is extremely low and they only let me go once it had hit 49! They said this was Bradycardia, now I'm so worried about it as I just read that it can cause Sudden Cardiac Death!

I've had normal ECG's recently, I had a pre op ECG a few weeks ago that was fine and when I went to A&E recently I had 2 normal ECG's.

But I'm so so worried about both of these things and I'm only 33.