View Full Version : Worried again! Feel sick, what is this pink mark on my bust please help!

08-04-13, 11:23
Hi there

Having a bad day today, my stomach is in knots :( I have had a pink mark on my right breast about the size of a 5p for about 3-4 weeks I went to my docs first about 2 weeks ago and she checked my breast and gave my some hydrocortisone cream with anti fungal which really made it red so went back 4 days later and another doctor had a quick look and gave me some other steroid cream, I think the creams are making it worse.

I'm getting obsessed with it!!! I went again to the docs Friday just gone and saw another different doc and she told me to lay off the creams and that it would probably just go :((( but I have continued to put stuff on it.

Yesterday when I had a bath I couldn't even see it much and today after putting steroid cream on again it seems pinker :((

I hate having stuff on me that I don't know what it is!

Jayne xx

08-04-13, 11:30
Jayne - you are probably irritating it by touching it. Just leave it alone for a week or so and see if it goes away. I have a patch of eczema on my leg at the moment - touching it or rubbing it just makes it worse, just need to leave it alone. YOu could try substituting aqueous cream instead of your normal soap in the shower, because that is very gentle and won't irritate any dry spots. Eczema patches can take weeks to go and they won't go at all if you keep touching them. Just try to relax about it - it's just a patch of skin and it can't hurt you.

08-04-13, 11:44
Thanks for your kind words I really do need to get a grip but can't get this worried feeling out of my head and think my docs are really fed up with me xx

08-04-13, 11:51
Well that's health anxiety for ya! The best thing you can do is to practice challanging those anxious thoughts. Tell them they're irrational and to leave you alone. You've been to the doctor and you're okay. You're taking great care of yourself and you've done everything you can, it's now up to your skin to heal itself, so give it a chance hun. xx

---------- Post added at 22:51 ---------- Previous post was at 22:49 ----------

PS - did I ever post the link to the online module that can help HA for you? If not, here it is http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

It's really great and I would highly recommend you have a go at it, or at least just read through it. I can almost guarantee it will make you feel better.

08-04-13, 13:22
Thank you so much, will take a look now xx

08-04-13, 16:18
Hi Jaynehal,

If you remember I was also stressing about a mark right at the side of my breast, and my doc had examined me too, said my breasts were fine and given me a mild steroid cream. I was convinced it wasn't going to help as I was sure it wasn't eczema - it didn't itch at all. Just a mark which had changed shape. I was very sparing with the cream - you musn't rub it in at all, just smear a small amount on twice a day. And very important - don't keep checking it! I know I'm a fine one to talk, but I did eventually stop!

Anyway, mine is much fainter now, almost disappeared! And I'd had it for many months.

So good luck - if you can try to keep a lid on the constant touching and looking you'll be better. Honestly :)

08-04-13, 17:02
Aww thanks for the reassurance it helps to a degree ha ha just think the steroid cream might be too strong as it was paler last night before putting the cream on and it feels irritated today :(( why can't I listen to my doc n just leave it alone xx