View Full Version : Brain tumor or sinus infection, or something else?

04-04-13, 20:53

For about a month now I've had some problems

I had a middle ear infection two months ago and then I got a cold and it kind of lingered

Now I have really bad pressure in my head and my ears hurt and I keep having panic attacks because it feels like the pressure in my head is pushing on the part of my brain that controls anxiety. Also I looked up my nose and it looked swollen so I feel like I saw a tumor in my head through my nose

I have bad pressure on the sides on my temples and sometimes I get a sore scalp that feels like a sunburn on my head

It basically feels like an ear infection and a rubber band is around my skull and a scalp burn

I'm scared I have a tumor and I have panic attacks daily that keep me from sleeping

Also I can't go to the doc bc no medical insurance/money and my grandma thinks I don't need medical treatment since there's no fever or anything

Also my snot is bloody sometimes and sometimes it comes in chunks

Please help I feel like I'm dying every day

04-04-13, 21:08

Sorry to hear you're feeling so unwell at the moment. Obviously I can't comment on your individual case but just wanted to let you know my experience of sinus infections..they're horrible lol. I havee chronic sinusitis which means I have the symptoms all the time and get semi-regular infections. If you have chronic sinusitis you can't really cure it, just manage it with Sudafed type medication, antihistamines, nasal sprays etc but if it's an infection it won't go unless you have antibiotics.

I was undiagnosed for a year and honest to God felt like I was dying as well, in addition to the pressure and pain it sort of feels like your brain in swollen and you feel lethargic and sick all the time. I also know two grown men who went to the hospital convinced they had a brain tumour and it turned out to be a sinus infection. Also, the fact you've recently had an ear infection and a cold would indicate a sinus infection as it often occurs after a cold or if the ear infection didn't completely go.

I understand you can't go to the Doctors straightaway but if you can try and go as soon as possible as an infection won't go on it's own. Until then, please keep in mind that problematic sinuses are way more common than brain tumours so chances are it's nothing that serious, hope you feel better soon.

Carly Lou
05-04-13, 22:49
I have just been diagnosed with a sinus infection...
my symptoms are as following
ear ache
pressure in my head and around my face
feeling tierd
this has gone on for about 4 weeks and i just about was at the end of my teather yesterday... i just thought this is never going to go and im going to feel like this forever.... its as if im setting up for a full blown cold but that isnt happening im just feeling like this all the time
finally went to the docs and he has put me on some antibiotics...
its hell isnt it... ive felt so rum down and like absoloute poop these last few weeks... the weather is not helping.. the cold the wind and the general feeling of being down because its like artic conditions here in england i swear isnt helping at all...
Hope this has helped a little
antihistamines will help also a decongestant


06-04-13, 06:48
I have always had sinus problems and remember in the past being convinced I had a brain tumour but it never turned out to be just sinusitis and it did give me bad pain. I have been getting it bad in the last year too and am currently on three weeks worth of antibiotics.

I think the more you worry about things I find it makes the symptoms feel worse and real. I remember one time I had a stomach bug and it felt like I had it for months afterwards because I was scared of eating just in case if I felt really sick. I always did and when I felt hungry and thought of eating I would feel sick at the thought that I could feel sick afterwards. If that makes any sense lol.

Anyway I believe that if you have constantly got your mind on it and worrying about it it can make your symptoms feel worse than what they already are. I hope you are able to get it better soon and maybe just a good dose of antibiotics will do it for you :)

06-04-13, 07:42
ok i do not want to panic anyone but end of jan i was diagonsed with a brain tumour, boy i was really ill worst headache of my life, vomiting, stumbling around and not being myself, my family noticed that i was acting differently so took me to A and E, had tumour removed a week later, its not something to take lightly but you would be ill if you really think you have a problem push for an mri, but the symptoms here do sound sinusy dont spend your life worrying about things my twin sister spent her life worrying about getting a brain tumour and i was the one who got one!! while you are worrying about something you will possiblily get knocked over by a car, nearly happened to me in waitrose car park a couple of weeks ago, so dont worry be happy and take care worse things happen at sea