View Full Version : can't sleep

04-04-13, 06:53
I'm coming off my medication, I've not taken a tablet for two nights now and have had terrible insomnia. Insomnia is a known side effect for coming off of them as they are a very sedating med. I slept about an hour the first night and about an hour and a half last night and feel awful. This can go on for several weeks and in some cases people have had it months.
I'm really worried because insomnia can be fatal if you have it for a prolonged period of time. I can't take sleeping tablets because of interactions with my other meds, I don't know how I will cope if it goes on much longer I already feel like death today. The only other option is to go back on the meds which I don't want to do. I just hope the insomnia doesn't go on too long

does anyone know how long you have to have insomnia for it to be fatal as I'm terrified this is going to last weeks and kill me?

04-04-13, 07:54
You can't die from lack of sleep, so don't worry about it. One hour a night doesn't seem like much and yes, you will probably feel pretty crappy, but you can't die from it. Worrying about it will only keep you up longer. If you do die from it, you will be the first person ever - I looked it up! No one has ever been recorded as dying from lack of sleep.

04-04-13, 08:23
There's a disorder called fatal insomnia which is fatal. Unfortunately you can die from lack of sleep, I feel awful and it's only been two days, this can go on for weeks coming off these tablets. I don't know if I can cope.

04-04-13, 08:32
Yes, there is a disorder and it's genetic and only affects 100 people in the world. Are you one of them? Did you parents die from it? You would know if you had it. Otherwise, an hour or so a night is plenty to keep you alive.

04-04-13, 09:07
12 days with absolutely no sleep and you will die. But you are getting some so that figure would not apply to you.

04-04-13, 09:22
12 days with absolutely no sleep and you will die. But you are getting some so that figure would not apply to you.

People with fatal insomnia go quite a bit longer than 12 days, quite a few months, so I think 12 days might be an underestimate. Well I hope it is because when the drug leaves my system completely I don't know if I'm going to get any sleep at all. I hope that stopping this drug doesn't spark Sporadic Fatal Insomnia in me.

04-04-13, 09:40
People with fatal insomnia go quite a bit longer than 12 days, quite a few months, so I think 12 days might be an underestimate. Well I hope it is because when the drug leaves my system completely I don't know if I'm going to get any sleep at all. I hope that stopping this drug doesn't spark Sporadic Fatal Insomnia in me.
But I saw it on House this morning, so 12 days must be true:ohmy: