View Full Version : Dizziness/ blood pressure

03-04-13, 14:36
I take medication for high blood pressure (ramipril and amlodopine and propranolol for bp/anxiety.

For a long time I have had a slightly "dizzy" / unreal feeling particularly when walking or if I move my head about e.g. When showering.

I have mentioned this to a few doctors who seem to think it is a side effect of the medication. Does anyone else experience this? I really have a fear of passing out which is making me even more anxious.

03-04-13, 15:07
I also take mads for high BP (Losartan, Felodipine and bisoprolol for bp/anxiety) and I get that slightly dizzy/unreal feeling quite a lot. In fact, when I became anxious about it, it occasionally induced panic in me as the sensation it gives is similar to one I experience during a panic.

I worried about it in the early days but I believe your doc is spot on, it is a side effect of the meds. I have got used to it now and it doesn't really bother me anymore. Try not to let it worry you too much, the more you focus on it, the more anxious you will become.

I am sure your doctor checks your BP on a regular basis...if it is fairly stable now due to the meds I really wouldn't worry.

Kitti :)

03-04-13, 15:48
Thanks Kitti. It is always helpful to know that someone else is experiencing something similar. It is an odd state because the description of dizziness doesn't really explain it.

I can relate totally to what you say about it increasing anxiety and being similar to the start of panic. I will suddenly decide to "check" how I feel and I can feel my anxiety rise.

Thanks again