View Full Version : feel even more depressed

03-04-13, 14:28
my doctor changed me from seroxat after 20 years , to lustral . I have been on them now for 4 weeks at 100mg once a day . I still feel very depressed,more so than before , dont know what to do with myself, and scared that i wont come out of this , i cry a lot , i dont want to do nothing , i want to sleep and lock meself away in my bedroom , altho i do have other stresses

can anyone please help and advise ,

03-04-13, 18:02
Hi there,

Sounds like things are really hard for you. I wonder whether it would be a good idea to go back to the GP. Not all medications work well for everyone and it might be that the lustral doesn't suit you. Although, given it can take a while for the meds, to kick in he/she might want you to persevere a bit longer with lustral. GP might also be able to give you some reassurance about recovery- it does feel so hard with depression to see the light at the end of the tunnel and once you have seen it to then be able to keep it in sight.